Niger earns its foreign exchange mainly from uranium and gold, which has limited domestic economic linkages. Distant second, livestock export also provide important revenue to the country. Overall, most...
Niger earns its foreign exchange mainly from uranium and gold, which has limited domestic economic linkages. Distant second, livestock export also provide important revenue to the country. Overall, most...
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted Chad’s economic recovery, which started in 2018. GDP contracted by 0.9 percent in 2020. Agriculture and the oil sector remained the main drivers of growth...
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted Chad’s economic recovery, which started in 2018. GDP contracted by 0.9 percent in 2020. Agriculture and the oil sector remained the main drivers of growth...
This poverty assessment aims to inform poverty-focused policymaking in Chad. The report examines recent trends in poverty, inequality, and other social indicators and identifies key constraints on poverty...
This poverty assessment aims to inform poverty-focused policymaking in Chad. The report examines recent trends in poverty, inequality, and other social indicators and identifies key constraints on poverty...
Urban growth is one of today’s main development challenges in Africa where the projection of urban population growth is particularly dramatic. In Niger, the urban population grew at 4.2 percent in 2017...
Up to February 2020, Chad’s economy continued its gradual, but mild recovery, supported by a substantial increase in oil and agriculture production. Since March 2020, like in the rest of the world, the...
Up to February 2020, Chad’s economy continued its gradual, but mild recovery, supported by a substantial increase in oil and agriculture production. Since March 2020, like in the rest of the world, the...
The proportions of girls marrying or having children before age of 18 have been declining slowly in Uganda according to data from the latest publicly available Demographic and Health Survey for 2016. Using...
The agricultural sector is a significant contributor to the economies of Guinea, Mali and Niger. In terms of share of GDP, agriculture represents 16 percent, 38 percent, and 40 percent respectively. It...
Iterative Beneficiary Monitoring (IBM) is an approach to project monitoring designed as a light, low-cost, independent, rapid, and iterative feedback loop that collects information directly from beneficiaries...
Each day, tens of thousands of girls worldwide are married while still children, often before they may be physically and emotionally ready to become wives and mothers. Child marriage, defined as marriage...
The international community is increasingly aware of the negative impacts of child marriage on a wide range of development outcomes. Ending child marriage is now part of the Sustainable Development Goals...
The proportions of girls marrying or having children before the age of 18 have been declining in Uganda according to data from the latest publicly available Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) implemented...
The brief summarizes results from an analysis of the impacts of child marriage on a few selected health outcomes, specifically early childbirths, maternal mortality and intimate partner violence. It does...
The brief summarizes results from an analysis of the impacts of child marriage on women's work (specifically, labor force participation and type of work held), earnings and productivity and household welfare...
The brief summarizes results from an analysis on the impacts of child marriage on women's decision-making ability within the household, land ownership, knowledge of HIV/AIDS, and birth registrations. While...
The international community is increasingly aware of the negative impacts of child marriage on a wide range of development outcomes. Ending child marriage is now part of the Sustainable Development Goals...
While the proportion of girls marrying as children is declining globally, this decline is not occurring in all countries or taking place equitably within countries, nor is it happening at a sufficiently...