Food price inflation has increased persistently in recent years in Turkey with a widening divergence from international food price inflation. The study analyzes the main inefficiencies in the Turkish agricultural...
The European Union (EU) is in process of reforming and modernizing the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP). One of the envisioned changes in the new CAP 2023–27 is the modifications to the voluntary coupled...
Since 2013, the performance of Russian agriculture can fairly be described as remarkable. On average, Russian agriculture has been growing faster (3.3 percent per year) than gross domestic product (GDP)...
The Turkish Cypriot community (TCc) dairy sector is highly managed under a program characterized by administered producer prices backed with subsidies. The system is motivated by an understandable desire...
The Turkish Cypriot community (TCc) dairy sector is highly managed under a program characterized by administered producer prices backed with subsidies. The system is motivated by an understandable desire...