The Myanmar Economic Monitor (MEM) aims to periodically take stock of economic development and highlight economic prospects and policy priorities in Myanmar. Myanmar grew at an estimated 8.5 percent in...
Growth in developing EAP eased over the first half of the year. This mostly reflected a gradual slowdown in China, in line with earlier predictions, stemming from policy efforts to tighten nonbank credit...
Close support to the government, including by an embedded core project team, can help to support improvements in macro-fiscal policymaking as demonstrated by the support for enhanced macroeconomic and...
Regular economic development updates can contribute significantly to dialogue and debate on key policy issues; this macroeconomics and fiscal management (MFM) note shares practical experience from the...
The Indonesia Economic Quarterly (IEQ) has two main objectives. First, it reports on the key developments over the past three months in Indonesia's economy, and places these in a longer term and global...
The Indonesia Economic Quarterly (IEQ) has two main objectives. First, it reports on the key developments over the past three months in Indonesia's economy, and places these in a longer term and global...