El objetivo de este informe es aportar información para la formulación de políticas públicas en Guatemala relacionadas con la recuperación de las empresas, el empleo y la transformación económica. Se ofrecen...
The objective of this report is to inform public policies in Guatemala related to business recovery, jobs, and economic transformation. Analysis and actionable policy recommendations are provided in five...
El informe identifica la necesidad de reformas en cinco áreas complementarias para impulsar la recuperación, la productividad y la transformación económica: 1) el entorno regulatorio empresarial; 2) la...
The report identifies the need for reforms in five complementary areas to boost recovery, productivity, and economic transformation: 1) business regulatory environment; 2) foreign direct investment (FDI);...
Interventions over the past decades to encourage increased business formalization have shown mixed results and produced limited knowledge on how to address informality systematically. The scale of the...
Interventions to incentivize business formalization over the past decades have shown mixed results (Bruhn and McKenzie, 2013; Bruhn and McKenzie, 2018; Floridi et al., 2019) and brought limited knowledge...
The objective of this working paper is to: (i) document China’s business environment reform experience over the past few years, (ii) analyze the reform measures and the institutional arrangements that...
This note looks at the experience countries have had in introducing reforms that improved the business environment. Instead of examining what was done (that is, the content of reforms), the focus is placed...
Reforming business regulation takes leadership-more than many other reforms. Committed leaders provide vision, energy and direction to improving business climates, often in the face of daunting challenges...
Doing Business in Morocco is the first report submitted regarding Morocco that is based on the study of regulations supporting economic activity, and of regulations limiting it. Doing Business presents...
Doing Business in Morocco is the first report submitted regarding Morocco that is based on the study of regulations supporting economic activity, and of regulations limiting it. Doing Business presents...