To monitor the evolution of household living conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Bank conducted COVID-19 High-Frequency Phone Surveys in around 80 countries. Phone surveys are cheap and...
While urbanization has great potential to facilitate poverty reduction, climate shocks represent a looming threat to such upward mobility. This paper empirically analyzes the effects of climatic risks...
The Survey of Well-being via Instant and Frequent Tracking (SWIFT) program was created in 2014 to produce poverty statistics cost-effectively, timely, and in a user-friendly manner. Under the SWIFT program...
This paper presents updated poverty and inequality estimates from the Somalia High Frequency Survey. This survey used the Rapid Consumption Method to collect consumption data quickly in an environment...
This paper presents updated poverty and inequality estimates from the South Sudan High Frequency Survey (HFS) consumption data. The HFS uses the Rapid Consumption Methodology (RCM), which skips part of...
This paper presents updated poverty and inequality estimates from the South Sudan High Frequency Survey (HFS) consumption data. The HFS uses the Rapid Consumption Methodology (RCM), which skips part of...
The March 2021 update to PovcalNet involves several changes to the data underlying the global poverty estimates. Some welfare aggregates have been changed for improved harmonization, and the CPI, national...
The Ethiopia Urban Land Supply and Affordable Housing Study (EULSAH) responds to the request fromthe Government of Ethiopia (GoE), Ministry of Urban Development and Construction to carry outfollow-on technical...
In June 2015, about 53,000 people were affected by unusually severe floods in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area, Ghana. The real impact of such a disaster is a product of exposure ("Who was affected?")...
In June 2015, about 53,000 people were affected by unusually severe floods in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area, Ghana. The real impact of such a disaster is a product of exposure (Who was affected?)...
The Poverty Assessment for Comoros aims to respond to this need and presents the first analysis using the new household survey data from 2014. The present report draws on the availability of the EESIC...
Telephone surveys enable us to collect data in a cost-effective and timely manner, but may not be conducive for collecting detailed consumption or income data for measuring poverty due to the required...
This paper proposes diagnostics to assess the accuracy of survey-to-survey imputation methods and applies them to examine why imputing from the Household Income and Expenditure Survey into the Labor Force...
This paper studies the benefits, in terms of reliability and frequency of poverty statistics, of conducting a hybrid survey that collects non-consumption data from all surveyed households and consumption...