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  • Lao People's Democratic Republic - Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Assessment (Inglês)

    Efficient utilization of overall resources through sound public financial management (PFM), good governance and oversight are priorities in the Lao PDR government’s reform agenda. The strengthening of...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Report No. do relatório: AUS0000591 Data do documento: 27 de março de 2019 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Zaitra,Sylvie Suzanne,Short,John J.,Phomsengsavanh,Viengmala,Dapaah,Maxwell Bruku,Weiner,Fanny,Vongviengkham,Saysanith

  • Lao PDR economic monitor : managing risks for macroeconomic stability (Laosiano)

    The sector focus for this issue concerns school based management, current conditions and recommendations for the future. Lao People's Democratic Republic 's (PDR's) education system faces challenges in...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Atualizações e modelagem econômicas No. do relatório: 84807 Data do documento: 1 de janeiro de 2014 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Anantavrasilpa,Ratchada,April,Leah,D'Hoore,Alain W.,Davading,Somneuk,Nghardsaysone,Konesawang,Phimmahasay,Keomanivone,Record,Richard James Lowden,Regel,Omporn,Santibanez,Lucrecia Margarita,Verghis,Mathew A.,Vongviengkham,Saysanith

  • Lao PDR economic monitor : managing risks for macroeconomic stability (Inglês)

    The sector focus for this issue concerns school based management, current conditions and recommendations for the future. Lao People's Democratic Republic 's (PDR's) education system faces challenges in...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Atualizações e modelagem econômicas No. do relatório: 84807 Data do documento: 1 de janeiro de 2014 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Anantavrasilpa,Ratchada,April,Leah,D'Hoore,Alain W.,Davading,Somneuk,Nghardsaysone,Konesawang,Phimmahasay,Keomanivone,Record,Richard James Lowden,Regel,Omporn,Santibanez,Lucrecia Margarita,Verghis,Mathew A.,Vongviengkham,Saysanith

  • Lao PDR economic monitor : sustaining growth - maintaining macroeconomic stability (Laosiano)

    The Lao economy is projected to grow at 8 percent in 2013. The hydropower sector (both completed projects in operation and projects in the construction or development phase), construction, food processing...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Atualizações e modelagem econômicas No. do relatório: 79158 Data do documento: 1 de junho de 2013 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Phimmahasay,Keomanivone,Davading,Somneuk,Vongviengkham,Saysanith,Nguyen,Minh Van,April,Leah,Anantavrasilpa,Ratchada,Nghardsaysone,Konesawang,Record,Richard James Lowden,Larsen,Morten,Tandon,Ajay,Rodriguez,U-Primo E.,Hutton,Guy

  • Lao PDR economic monitor : sustaining growth - maintaining macroeconomic stability (Inglês)

    The Lao economy is projected to grow at 8 percent in 2013. The hydropower sector (both completed projects in operation and projects in the construction or development phase), construction, food processing...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Atualizações e modelagem econômicas No. do relatório: 79158 Data do documento: 1 de junho de 2013 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Phimmahasay,Keomanivone,Davading,Somneuk,Vongviengkham,Saysanith,Nguyen,Minh Van,April,Leah,Anantavrasilpa,Ratchada,Nghardsaysone,Konesawang,Record,Richard James Lowden,Larsen,Morten,Tandon,Ajay,Rodriguez,U-Primo E.,Hutton,Guy