Countering COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy has been a challenge in Saudi Arabia, one of the countries affected most by the pandemic in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Aims: To identify information needs...
This report presents a diagnostic study of barriers to private sector participation focusing on young Kuwaitis. The General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development (GSSCPD), Kuwait...
Over the past decade, governments, multilateral organizations, and think tanks have been increasingly using behavioral science as an additional tool to understand and tackle complex policy challenges in...
The World Bank launched the Rapid Web based Survey on the Impact of the Conflict (RWSIC) on June 9, 2021, covering key topics such as access to basic services, labor outcomes, mental health, and coping...
The World Bank launched the Rapid Web based Survey on the Impact of the Conflict (RWSIC) on June 9, 2021, covering key topics such as access to basic services, labor outcomes, mental health, and coping...
Global evidence suggests better infrastructure governance results in more efficient spending and better growth outcomes at the national and subnational levels of government. Several studies (International...
Ecuador faces the challenge of consolidating the social gains achieved during the last decade while addressing the excesses committed the commodity boom period, when the state was the main drive of economic...
The Ecuador public finance review (PFR) series responded to a request from the Ecuadorian Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of public spending. The PFR series...
In recent years there have been many high-profile corruption cases coming to light in Latin America. To many this is just bad news. After all, corruption diverts public resources that could be used to...
Recent literature has shown evidence of positive contributions of export promotion agencies around the world in raising exports, through the intensive and extensive margins of trade. The number of export...
The World Bank is often called on by governments to assist them with the process of reforming their performance management systems and measurement approaches. Drawing on practical experience from World...
Behavioral Insights for Development: Cases from Central America brings together a set of experiences that applied behavioral insights to different areas of public policy—in some cases through randomized...
A growing number of states and municipalities in Brazil rely on results-based management, and many other local and state governments are considering adopting the practice. This paper examines the experiences...
This paper presents the design a set of three simple and replicable behavioral interventions, which use stickers that can be added to water bills at low cost, and test their impact on water consumption...
This toolkit provides an overarching framework for the corporate governance of state-owned enterprises (SOEs), along with the tools and information for making practical improvements. The toolkit focuses...
Fiscal consolidation remains the central challenge facing Honduras, mainly due to increasing current expenditures. The widening fiscal deficit has been driven by a significant increase in current expenditures...
Fiscal consolidation remains the central challenge facing Honduras, mainly due to increasing current expenditures. The widening fiscal deficit has been driven by a significant increase in current expenditures...
This report is a comprehensive review of country experience with Medium Term Expenditure Frameworks (MTEFs) worldwide. It looks at countries both with and without MTEFs over the period 1990 to 2008 to...