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  • But what is the poverty rate today? : testing poverty nowcasting methods in Latin America and the Caribbean (Inglês)

    Poverty estimates usually lag behind two years, which makes it difficult to provide real-time poverty analysis to assess the impact of economic crisis and shocks among the less well-off, and subsequently...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento de Trabalho (Série Numerada) No. do relatório: 125699 Data do documento: 1 de junho de 2017 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Caruso,German Daniel,Lucchetti,Leonardo Ramiro,Malasquez Carbonel,Eduardo Alonso,Scot,Thiago,Castaneda,R. Andres

  • Road traffic injuries : a public health crisis in MENA (Inglês)

    The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has made dramatic progress in lowering premature death and disability from most communicable, newborn, nutritional, and maternity causes. However, non-communicable...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 83726 Data do documento: 1 de dezembro de 2013 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Dahdah,Said,Bose,Dipan

  • Global connectivity and export performance (Inglês)

    The World Bank has developed a novel method for measuring countries’ connectivity in global networks and has applied it to the global air transport network. ‘Connectivity’ in this context is defined as...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 76189 Data do documento: 1 de março de 2013 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Arvis,Jean Francois,Shepherd,Benjamin A.

  • Electoral institutions and local government accountability : a literature review (Inglês)

    In studies of decentralized governance in the developing world, electoral institutions have largely been overlooked as explanatory factors for the performance of local governments. Instead, much of the...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento de Trabalho (Série Numerada) No. do relatório: 44849 Data do documento: 1 de julho de 2008 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Packel,Daniel Joseph

  • Growth, inequality, and poverty in Madagascar, 2001-2005 (Inglês)

    The paper examines changes in poverty and inequality in Madagascar between the years 2001 and 2005. During this period Madagascar's economic progress has been notable. Yet the record for poverty and living...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento de Trabalho (Série Numerada) No. do relatório: 51700 Data do documento: 1 de abril de 2008 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Amendola,Nicola,Vecchi,Giovanni

  • Brazil : raising the quality of public spending and resource management in the health sector (Inglês)

    The report assesses how the processes of allocation, transfer, and utilization of resources are conducted at the different levels of the system. The study provides valuable information regarding the reality...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 44629 Data do documento: 1 de setembro de 2007 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Couttolenc,Bernard F.,La Forgia,Gerard Martin,Matsuda,Yasuhiko

  • Solar-diesel hybrid options for the Peruvian Amazon : lessons learned from Padre Cocha (Inglês)

    Seven million Peruvians - 23 percent of the country's population - lack access to modern energy services. Most of these residents are located in the Peruvian Amazon, where 95 percent of people have no...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento do Programa de Assistência à Gestão do Setor de Energia (ESMAP) No. do relatório: 40241 Data do documento: 1 de abril de 2007 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor:

  • Drugs, security, and development (Inglês)

    The size of the global illicit drug industry and its direct and indirect costs are very large and worthy of serious attention from both research and policy perspectives. The adverse development effects...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 90186 Data do documento: 1 de dezembro de 2006 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Byrd,William

  • Uganda's nutrition and early child development project: counting on communication (Inglês)

    In 1998, a $34 million World Bank loan for the Nutrition and Early Child Development Project (NECDP) was approved to support the National Program of Action for Children. The NECDP covered about 8,000 communities...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 33176 Data do documento: 1 de abril de 2005 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Cabanero-Verzosa, Cecilia

  • African development indicators 1997 (Inglês)

    Monitoring Africa's development progress and aid flows requires basic empirical data that can be readily used by analysts. African development indicators 1997, a World Bank publication, provide a starting...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 57133 Data do documento: 1 de maio de 1998 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor:

  • Ownership and corporate governance : evidence from the Czech Republic (Inglês)

    The Czech voucher privatization scheme, which started in 1991, was one of the earliest, most comprehensive, and most rapidly implemented of all the mass privatization schemes in Eastern Europe and the...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Ponto de vista No. do relatório: 16869 Data do documento: 31 de maio de 1997 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Claessens,Stijn,Djankov,Simeon,Pohl,Gerhard

  • Aga Khan rural support program (AKRSP) : looking to the future (Inglês)

    This Precis entitled, Aga Khan rural support program (AKRSP) : looking to the future, complements the Bank's Operations and Evaluation Department (OED), Evaluation Study, The Aga Khan rural support program...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 28679 Data do documento: 1 de maio de 1996 Tipo de divulgação: Autor: Smith,Stephanie D.