Governments around the world are leveraging the power of technology in transformative ways to realize the promise of digital government: improving public service delivery, administration, and social value...
Protecting healthcare workers and patients is critical to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus). In this brief we highlight three urgent actions : Distribution of infection prevention and control...
The project aims to provide sustainable access to roads to the rural population of Peru. The project has 3 objectives: (i) facilitate sustainable road access of Peru’s rural populations to services, (ii)...
Despite strong, sustained economic growth between 2005 and 2015 rural poverty in Mozambique persisted due to low agricultural productivity, particularly in the agricultural zones of the Northern and Central...
This impact evaluation assess the impact of rural road upgrading and rehabilitation on transport conditions, access to services, agricultural commercialization, household well-being in Nigeria.
Impact evaluation research examining the impact of the Expressway on local, regional, and national outcomes
An impact evaluation of the Targeting the Ultra-Poor (TUP) program in Afghanistan suggests that big-push interventions can dramatically reduce poverty in fragile and conflict affected areas. One year after...
Lack of connectivity in African cities is an important factor constraining the inclusion of the poor in the growth process. Geographic disconnect and inefficient, low-capacity public transport negatively...
For the poorest in the world, affordable public transport determines whether they can travel longer distances and access better opportunities, often not available within walking distance. Bogota, Colombia...
In 2014, Iraq was in a transition phase before facing a violent armed civil war which led to a weak and underdeveloped infrastructure sector.The poor condition of the road network has significantly affected...
Youth unemployment is a major concern for African governments, in particular in urban areas. The government of Senegal has adopted two flagship projects to improve urban mobility in the Greater Dakar Area...
Rwanda’s rural road network is estimated at fifteen thousand kilometers, which consists predominantly of very poor condition dirt roads with no current maintenance program. In this context, the government...
This impact evaluation (IE) aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the two pilot programs aimed at reducing adverse health outcomes from road traffic injuries (RTIs) through improved access to emergency...
Ethiopia is a low-income country with ambitious plans to become Sub-Saharan Africa’s leader in light manufacturing. The government of Ethiopia has embarked on an industrialization strategy based on the...
Youth unemployment is a major concern for African governments, in particular in urban areas. The government of Senegal has adopted two flagship projects to improve urban mobility in the Greater Dakar Area...
Lack of connectivity in African cities is an important factor constraining the inclusion of the poor in the growth process. Geographic disconnect and inefficient, low-capacity public transport negatively...
Using behavior change to tackle human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in the developing world is not easy. For years, the global community has zeroed in on behavior...
This policy brief summarizes the evaluation findings of a program in Zambia which sought to enable the private sector to play a stronger role in malaria diagnosis and treatment. The poor in many countries...
The government of Zambia has acknowledged the need to urgently improve access to and guarantee the availability of antimalarial drugs and diagnostic tools, leading to the creation of the Zambia Access-to-ACT...