Sri Lanka has the 14th-largest gender gap in labor force participation (LFP) globally. LFP rates among Sri Lankan women age 15 years and older were 36 percent for 2015 and 2016, versus 75 percent for same-age...
This report presents an in-depth examination of how students in Shanghai achieved the highest scores in the areas of reading, science, and mathematics on a respected global assessment of 15-year-olds’...
China is aging at an unprecedented rate. Improvements in life expectancy and the consequences of the decades-old family planning policy have led to a rapid increase in the elderly population. According...
China is aging at an unprecedented rate. Improvements in life expectancy and the consequences of the decades-old family planning policy have led to a rapid increase in the elderly population. According...
The Democratic Republic of Congo has the third largest urban population in Sub-Saharan Africa (estimated at 43 percent in 2016) after South Africa and Nigeria. It is expected to grow at a rate of 4.1 percent...
A unique strategic opportunity beckons Bangladesh. Dhaka, the economic powerhouse of the country, stands on the cusp of a dramatic transformation that could make it much more prosperous and livable. Today...
The empirical case for trade as an engine of growth has now been established on solid empirical grounds. There has been a protracted controversy in the literature on the econometrics of trade and growth...
This report presents the insights obtained, organized around the confirmation (fact) or rebuttal (myth) of 16 frequently held perceptions. It is found that women do not contribute 60 to 80 percent of the...
Policy makers throughout Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) will like to understand how best to leverage recent and ongoing global, business-relevant technologies to support productivity upgrading with...
Policy makers throughout Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) will like to understand how best to leverage recent and ongoing global, business-relevant technologies to support productivity upgrading with...
Karachi is the largest city in Pakistan, with a population of 16 million. It accounts for one-third of Sindh’s population and one-fifth of the country’s urban population. However, a highly complex political...
Central America is undergoing an important transition. Urban populations are increasing at accelerated speeds, bringing pressing challenges for development, as well as opportunities to boost sustained...
This study, which focuses on three countries, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines, is intended to contribute to a more comprehensive and cross-cutting understanding of the nature and magnitude of the agricultural...
This study, which focuses on three countries, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines, is intended to contribute to a more comprehensive and cross-cutting understanding of the nature and magnitude of the agricultural...
Environmental degradation is costly, to individuals, to societies, and to the environment. This book, edited by Lelia Croitoru and Maria Sarraf, makes these costs clear by examining a number of studies...
Urbanization is occurring at a rapid pace in Bangladesh, accompanied by the proliferation of slum settlements, whose residents have special health needs given the adverse social, economic, and public environmental...
The Democratic Republic of Congo has the third largest urban population in Sub-Saharan Africa (estimated at 43 percent in 2016) after South Africa and Nigeria. It is expected to grow at a rate of 4.1 percent...
Does economic size matter for economic development outcomes? If so are current policies adequately addressing the role of size in the development process? Using working age population as a proxy for country...
Morocco has made undeniable progress over the past fifteen years not only in the economic and social spheres, but also in the areas of personal freedoms and civil and political rights. These achievements...