The Local Level Institutions Study (LLIS) was designed to investigate more systematically, the role of local associations in the provision of services to households, and to examine the extent to which...
The study provides a particularly rich context to disentangle the interplay between the formal and informal institutions, and the interplay between history, politics, and changes in social organization...
The precise definition of "institutions" and "social capital" is being debated, as is the extent to which these two ideas overlap; however, for the purpose of this paper its concepts will not be solved...
The objective of this paper is to investigate empirically the links between social capital, household welfare, and poverty in Indonesia. Specifically, the authors undertake a multivariate analysis of the...
The objective of this report is to provide a map of local institutions which exist in rural Indonesia and to investigate the extent to which they are involved in the delivery of services (health, education...
The study determines how local level institutions - both Government and civil society - impact local development, particularly the manner by which these institutions contribute to household, and community's...
The study determines how local level institutions - both Government and civil society - impact local development, particularly the manner by which these institutions contribute to household, and community's...
El estudio sobre las instituciones locales es un estudio comparativo de tres paises: Bolivia, Burkina Faso e Indonesia.
The Local Level Institutions (LLI) Study is designed as a comparative study from across three countries: Bolivia, Burkina Faso, and Indonesia. This report mainly comprises questionnaires particularly tailored...
The Local Level Institutions (LLI) Study is designed as a comparative study from across three countries: Bolivia, Burkina Faso, and Indonesia. Data have been collected at three levels: communities, districts...
The Local Level Institutions (LLI) Study is designed as a comparative study across three countries: Bolivia, Burkina Faso, and Indonesia. Data have been collected at three levels: communities, districts...
The Local Level Institutions (LLI) Study is designed as a comparative study across three countries: Bolivia, Burkina Faso, and Indonesia. Data have been collected at three levels: communities, districts...