This paper explores the effect of road rehabilitation on violent conflict using a novel, rich dataset of road rehabilitation projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The country received massive external...
Diarrhea and growth faltering in early childhood reduce survival and impair neurodevelopment. This paper assesses whether a national program in the Democratic Republic of Congo reduced diarrhea and stunting...
According to the updated Low-Income Country Debt Sustainability Framework (LIC DSF), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) remains at a moderate risk of external and overall debt distress, with some...
Cette étude examine en profondeur l’approche de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) pour fournir des transferts monétaires d’urgence : le programme Solidarité par les transferts economiques contre...
This study looks in depth at Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC) approach to delivering emergency cash transfers: the Solidarity through Economic Transfers Against the Poverty in Kinshasa (STEP-KIN)...
The Sanctions Board found an individual, as a public official, liable for corrupt practices by soliciting and receiving payments from a company with the intent to influence his own actions as project manager...
Decision of the Sanctions Board denying the request for reconsideration of Sanctions Board Decision No. 125 (2020) filed by the individual in Sanctions Case No. 477.
The Sanctions Board found an individual, as a public official, liable for a corrupt practice by soliciting a payment from a company with the intent to influence his own actions as project manager in the...
On October 21, 2007, at the Annual Meetings of the World Bank and IMF, a Pygmy delegation from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) met with senior World Bank Group managers including Ms. Obiageli Ezekwesili...