Principles of good governance have been a major component of international financial standards and are seen as essential to the stability and integrity of financial systems. Over the past 10 years much...
The need to kick-start lending to the real sector in response to the global financial crisis is leading many countries to expand the role of state-owned financial institutions. The effectiveness of the...
Excessive leverage by banks is widely believed to have contributed to the global financial crisis. To address this, the international community has proposed the adoption of a non-risk-based capital measure...
What market and regulatory issues led to the subprime crisis? How should prudential regulation be fixed? The answers depend on the interpretative lenses or 'paradigms' through which one sees finance. The...
The current financial crisis evolved quickly. In most of the developed countries affected, governments initially improvised solutions that eventually led to substantial investments in systemically important...
In the United States and Europe faulty credit ratings and flawed rating processes are widely perceived as being among the key contributors to the global financial crisis. That has brought them under intense...
This is not the first international banking crisis the world has seen. The previous ones occurred without credit default swaps, special investment vehicles, or even credit ratings. If crises keep repeating...
Financial supervision will need to change in response to the causes of the financial crisis and the regulatory proposals arising from it. Supervisors will need to take a tougher and more challenging approach...
Dynamic loan loss provisions can help deal with procyclicality in banking. By allowing earlier detection and coverage of credit losses in loan portfolios, they enable banks to build up a buffer in good...
The expansion of deposit insurance and introduction of debt guarantees have played a crucial role in containing the financial crisis while giving governments time to develop suitable policy responses...
Global trends taken for granted in recent decades, the big expansion in global financial assets compared with underlying economic activity, growing global financial integration, shrinking role of the state...
The financial crisis has prompted a shift toward a tighter and more macro-prudential approach to financial regulation. But the reform agenda still needs to address the role of supervisory (rather than...
This Understanding Children's Work (UCW) newsletter includes some of the following headlines: featured research: 1) child labor in India and Bangladesh: a preliminary gender based analysis; 2) child labor...