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  • 2019 Investment Policy and Regulatory Review - Vietnam (Inglês)

    This Investment Policy and Regulatory Review presents information on the legal and regulatory frameworks governing foreign direct investment (FDI) and competition that affect businesses and foreign investors...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Report No. do relatório: 173234 Data do documento: 1 de janeiro de 2020 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Kher,Priyanka,Kusek,Peter,Eltgen,Maximilian Philip,Raslan,Azza Anwar Ahmed

  • 2019 Investment Policy and Regulatory Review – Nigeria (Inglês)

    This Investment Policy and Regulatory Review presents information on the legal and regulatory frameworks governing foreign direct investment (FDI) and competition that affect businesses and foreign investors...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Report No. do relatório: 173233 Data do documento: 1 de janeiro de 2020 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: World Bank,Kher,Priyanka,Kusek,Peter,Eltgen,Maximilian Philip,Raslan,Azza Anwar Ahmed

  • 2019 Investment Policy and Regulatory Review - China (Inglês)

    This Investment Policy and Regulatory Review presents information on the legal and regulatory frameworks governing foreign direct investment (FDI) and competition that affect businesses and foreign investors...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Report No. do relatório: 173238 Data do documento: 1 de janeiro de 2020 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Kher,Priyanka,Kusek,Peter,Eltgen,Maximilian Philip,Raslan,Azza Anwar Ahmed

  • 2019 Investment Policy and Regulatory Review - Mexico (Inglês)

    This Investment Policy and Regulatory Review presents information on the legal and regulatory frameworks governing foreign direct investment (FDI) and competition that affect businesses and foreign investors...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Report No. do relatório: 173236 Data do documento: 1 de janeiro de 2020 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Kher,Priyanka,Kusek,Peter,Eltgen,Maximilian Philip,Raslan,Azza Anwar Ahmed