This report outlines the main results of the study based on the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM) conducted in the Naryn River Basin, the Kyrgyz Republic. This assessment identifies...
В данном отчете изложены основные результаты исследования, проведенного в ходе реставрации Применение методологии оценки возможностей (МОПВ) на реке Нарын бассейн, Кыргызская Республика. Эта оценка позволяет...
Nepal is endowed with a wealth of natural resources including snow-capped mountains, abundant rivers, sub-tropical forests, significant biodiversity and wildlife, and pristine, diverse landscapes. A part...
Zambia is a country richly endowed with natural resources, and home to a substantial protected area network. Approximately 40 percent of the country’s land area enjoys some form of protection, with globally...
Brazil is the most megadiverse country in the world. It is home to one-third of the world’s tropical rainforests, twenty percent of the world’s freshwater, and has the world’s most biodiverse terrestrial...
Protected areas are key to any global effort to conserve biodiversity. While governments see protected areas as key to addressing biodiversity loss, they are often overlooked in economic development plans...