Despite impressive improvements in population health over the past decade, Tajikistan continues to face challenges in providing adequate healthcare to its population, with an estimated 10,000 excess deaths...
Дар бештари мамлакатҳо хароҷот аз ҳисоби беморон (ХБ) мисли пеш ҳиссаи назарраси хароҷоти ҷории онҳоро барои хизматрасониҳои тиббӣ ташкил медиҳанд ва қисми зиёди аҳолии ҷаҳонро дучори мушкилиҳои молиявӣ...
Выплаты из бюджета домохозяйств (прямые платежи, осуществляемые домохозяйствами) за услуги здравоохранения продолжают составлять значительную долю текущих расходов на здравоохранение во многих странах...
Household out-of-pocket (OOP) expenditures continue to account for a substantive share of current health spending in many countries and expose a large share of the global population to financial hardship...
Сармоягузорӣ ба соҳаи тандурустӣ барои таҳкими сармояи инсонии кишвар ҳамчун омили пешбаранда, рушди дарозмуддат ва паст намудани сатҳи камбизоатӣ нақши калидӣ мебозад. Сармояи инсонӣ аз дониш, малакаҳо...
Инвестиции в здравоохранение играют ключевую роль в укреплении человеческого капитала страны как движущей силы производительности, долгосрочного роста и сокращения масштабов бедности. Человеческий капитал...
Investing in health is pivotal for enhancing a nation's human capital as a driver of productivity, long-term growth, and poverty reduction. Human capital consists of the knowledge, skills, and health people...
Несмотря на впечатляющее улучшение состояния здоровья населения за последнее десятилетие, Таджикистан по-прежнему испытывает трудности в обеспечении адекватной медицинской помощи своему населению: по оценкам...
In April 2022, a technical workshop was organized in Sughd province, Tajikistan to discuss the Performance-Based Finance (PBF) program, the Per Capita Financing (PCF) program, and the existing work supported...
In April 2022, a technical workshop was organized in Sughd province, Tajikistan to discuss the Performance-Based Finance (PBF) program, the Per Capita Financing (PCF) program, and the existing work supported...
In April 2022, a technical workshop was organized in Sughd province, Tajikistan to discuss the Performance-Based Finance (PBF) program, the Per Capita Financing (PCF) program, and the existing work supported...
In April 2022, a technical workshop was organized in Sughd province, Tajikistan to discuss the Performance-Based Finance (PBF) program, the Per Capita Financing (PCF) program, and the existing work supported...
In April 2022, a technical workshop was organized in Sughd province, Tajikistan to discuss the Performance-Based Finance (PBF) program, the Per Capita Financing (PCF) program, and the existing work supported...