O Corredor Aricanduva é uma parte essencial da rede de transporte público de São Paulo e se apresenta como uma oportunidade para a estruturação dos serviços de transporte na região e no ambiente urbano...
O sistema cicloviário vai além da implantação de infraestrutura e sinalização com novas ciclovias e ciclofaixas. O planejamento cicloviário engloba outros pilares, tais como infraestrutura de apoio, como...
Este Relatório é apresentado em atendimento ao Contrato nº 7203408, de 10 de janeiro de 2022, por meio do qual o BANCO MUNDIAL contratou a ADDAX ASSESSORIA ECONÔMICA E FINANCEIRA LTDA. (a “ADDAX”) para...
The United Kingdom Prosperity Program, in partnership with the Mundial Bank developed the Smart Mobility Program to be implemented in São Paulo city with the objective of promoting the use of technology...
This report focuses on understanding women’s safety and mobility related concerns in one low-income neighbourhood; Aricanduva in São Paulo. The main objective of the study was to map the proposed Aricanduva...
This report focuses on the following: 1) introduction to the approach regarding the modernization of traffic lights systems considering the advent of 5G technology for São Paulo; 2) presentation of how...
The World Bank has recently started to work on a programmatic analytical and advisory (ASA) work on “Smart Mobility” focusing on São Paulo Metropolitan Region. The main objective of this program is to...
This document describes the stages of the construction process for the methodology of a BRT Corridor project simulation, in the context of the city of São Paulo. The study was developed within the scope...
São Paulo is the largest urban agglomeration in South America and has 20.7 million inhabitants and over 6 million jobs in its metropolitan region (SPMR). The public transportation system accounts for almost...
The Smart Mobility Program for the City of São Paulo (hereafter referred to as the Smart Mobility Program or simply the Program), is one of the largest technical analysis and consultancy projects ever...
The Smart Mobility Program for the City of São Paulo (hereafter referred to as the Smart Mobility Program or simply the Program), is one of the largest technical analysis and consultancy projects ever...