The Rural Water Supply Project of Morocco aims to strengthen rural systems and the extension of the service in drinking water, improving the quality of life for underserved rural populations, and prevention...
The GPE Basic Education Support Program Project development objective is to improve access, retention, and the quality of the teaching and learning environment at the basic education level, in targeted...
This report focuses on absolute poverty, comparing living standards to a poverty threshold that is held fixed in real terms over time and space. The monetary value of the poverty line is updated annually...
The health equity and financial protection datasheets provide a picture of equity and financial protection in the health sectors of low-and middle-income countries. Topics covered include: inequalities...
Included in this issue: Latin videos Contest 2007. Stories of Sanitation. Video of Peruvian "Action Aid" award. Creating markets for the poor. The "alternative solution for Sanitation." The draft for a...
These remarks delivered by Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank, discuss the issue of a personal conflict of interest. He requests understanding and recommends that such issues are handled differently...
These remarks delivered by Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank, discuss the issue of a personal conflict of interest. He requests understanding and recommends that such issues are handled differently...
These remarks delivered by Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank, discuss the issue of a personal conflict of interest. He requests understanding and recommends that such issues are handled differently...
These remarks delivered by Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank, discuss the issue of a personal conflict of interest. He requests understanding and recommends that such issues are handled differently...
Now that the relations between poverty and health are well documented, it was important to present the current situation in Senegal before the publication of the second poverty reduction strategy paper...
Health services can make an important contribution to improved health conditions among disadvantaged groups. Yet as the contents of this volume make clear, the health services supported by governments...
This handbook is part of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper and Disability project funded by a German trust fund. The Christoffel-Blinden mission (CBM) and Handicap International implemented the project...
Brazil's conditional cash transfer (CCT) program Bolsa Familia helped millions out of the poverty and is among the most effective social protection programs in the world, having helped raise approximately...
Past approaches to correcting for unit nonresponse in sample surveys by re-weighting the data assume that the problem is ignorable within arbitrary subgroups of the population. Theory and evidence suggest...
The Second National Tuberculosis Control Project (RNTCP-II) needs to make specific efforts to address the problem of access and utilization of Tuberculosis (TB) services by, tribal people, a socially and...
Editorial - dialog and agreement : tools for development. Condominial sewerage networks for north of Lima : the Comas experience; by Omar Macedo and Alejandro Conza. Water and disaster prevention : emergency...