This paper reviews the recent literature on rural-urban migration in developing countries, focusing on three key questions: What motivates or forces people to migrate? What costs do migrants face? What...
This Note takes a closer look at the scale and nature of internal migration in Ethiopia. While a Population Census offers the best source of data to study internal migration, the most recent Census was...
The result of this study was the research paper, Village Water Supply Economics and Policy in the Developing World, written by Robert J. Sounders and Jeremy J. Warford of the Bank’s Energy, Water and Telecommunications...
The development objective of the Hajia Railway Project for China is to reduce the transport time for passenger services and provide additional capacity for passenger and freight services between Harbin...
This paper uses a unique natural experiment in Chinese villages to investigate whether access to telecommunications-- in particular, landline phones -- increases the likelihood of outmigration. By using...
The global strategy to improve agricultural and rural statistics, endorsed by the United Nations Statistical Commission in February 2010, notes that 'many countries, especially in the developing world...
The Livestock Data Innovation in Africa Project (LDIP) aims to support livestock-related data collection and analysis in three pilot sub-Saharan African countries - Uganda, Tanzania, and Niger with the...
The preliminary report of the 2007-2008 national sample census of agriculture of Tanzania has been released in March 2011. The data was collected from a sample of about 53,000 rural households involved...
The global strategy to improve agriculture and rural statistic represents a major effort towards assisting developing countries to improve their agricultural statistical systems. It is structured around...
In 2007-2008 the Government of Tanzania carried out the National Sample Census of Agriculture. Reports from the census include a technical report, sub-sector reports, such as for crop, livestock and large...
The development objective of the National Community Driven Development Project is to enable poor rural communities to benefit from improved access to and use of basic infrastructure and services through...
Niger is one of the piloted countries being targeted under the gates-funded Livestock Data Innovation in Africa Project (LDIAP). This project supports the identification of priority livestock indicators...
The overall development objective of the Liaoning Medium Cities Urban Infrastructure Project (LMC) for China is to contribute to the economic revitalization of medium-sized cities in Liaoning through the...
The overall development objective of the Liaoning Medium Cities Urban Infrastructure Project (LMC) for China is to contribute to the economic revitalization of medium-sized cities in Liaoning through the...
The objective of the Guiyang-Guangzhou Railway Project for China is to provide a resettlement rehabilitation plan for people affected by the project, to ensure their losses are compensated, and to improve...
The overall development objective of the Liaoning Medium Cities Urban Infrastructure Project (LMC) for China is to contribute to the economic revitalization of medium-sized cities in Liaoning through the...