Ratings for the Community Development and Safety Nets Project for Togo were as follows: outcomes were highly satisfactory, risk to development outcome was moderate, Bank performance was highly satisfactory...
Ce rapport présente les résultats de l`évaluation selon le cadre d`analyse ISPA de 4 projets à Haute Intensité de Main d`Oeuvre (HIMO). Les résultats de cette évaluation ont permis aux auteurs de proposer...
This Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA) is part of a broader dialogue on energy tax reform and strengthening social safety nets in Djibouti. As part of a possible reform of energy taxes in Djibouti...
The objective of the Social Opportunities Project for Ghana is to provide technical and other support necessary to rationalize Ghana's national social protection strategy to make it more cost-effective...
This Aide Memoire on the Emergency Safety Nets Project of Mali states that a World Bank mission visited Mali from 22 to 30 April 2014, to review the state of implementation of the Emergency Project on...
This Aide Memoire on the Productive Safety Nets Project of Guinea sent a World Bank mission to Conakry from the 10 to 20 March 2014. The Mission objectives were to assist the Government in the implementation...
The World Bank Africa Social Protection Strategy for 2012-22 highlights the need for a strong evidence base to inform the design and implementation of social protection programs in Africa. Since 2009 the...
This paper on the role of the provinces as it obtains in the social protection in Argentina points out that the social protection system in Argentina developed gradually since the beginning of the last...