This note describes the outcomes of a June 2018 knowledge exchange visit to study urban water management and urban renewal experiences in Brazil. Participants included 23 country representatives and 9...
The development objective of Project for Integrated Urban Economic Development (PIUED) for Albania is to improve urban infrastructure, enhance tourism assets, and strengthen institutional capacity to support...
Important challenges such as population growth, urbanization, economic expansion and climate changeare looming over urban water security in Morocco. While urban water demand is expected to rise by 60 percent...
Important challenges such as population growth, urbanization, economic expansion and climate changeare looming over urban water security in Morocco. While urban water demand is expected to rise by 60 percent...
Development Objectives of the Supervision and Technical Assistance for Sanitation Sector Project of Panama are to (i) improve access to sanitation services, (ii) reduce environmental pollution from wastewater...
The Balochistan Integrated Water Resources Management and Development Project aims to improve water resources planning, management, and monitoring by the government, and to increase the adoption of water-efficient...
The development objective of the Zhuzhou Brownfield Remediation Project for China is to support redevelopment planning and site remediation in Zhuzhou Qingshuitang core industrial area to reduce public...
The objectives of the Sustainable Rural and Small Towns Water and Sanitation Project of Haiti are to: 1) Strengthen the capacity of DINEPA at central and decentralized levels in the areas of social engineering...