ESMAP (Energy Sector Management Assistance Program) is a technical assistance program managed by the World Bank and supported by eleven bilateral donors. ESMAP launched in January 2013 an initiative to...
Water has always been a source of risks and opportunities in the Middle East and North Africa. Yet rapidly changing socioeconomic, political, and environmental conditions make water security a different...
The objective of the Third Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project for Kyrgyz Republic is to improving water supply and sanitation services for the target rural communities, and building up capacities...
The development objectives of the Second Additional Financing for the Rural Community Development and Water Mobilization Project (Prodermo) for Dijbouti is to increase access of rural communities to water...
Development Objectives of the Plan Pazcifico: Water Supply and Basic Sanitation Infrastructure of Colombia are (i) to improve coverage and service quality of water supply and basic sanitation in urban...
The development objective of the Water Security and Canal Protection Project for Kosovo is to contribute to restoring the canal original capacity as needed to secure bulk water for the various canal water...
The development objective of the Zhuzhou Brownfield Remediation Project for China is to support redevelopment planning and site remediation in Zhuzhou Qingshuitang core industrial area to reduce public...
The development objective of the Regional Potable Water Supply Systems Project for Morocco is: is to supply potable water to the rural populations of a large number of douars and villages in the province...
The Economic Updates series presents a summary of the analytical work of the World Bank in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and aims at stimulating the dialogue over options for long term economic...
This Project aims to foster growth and to improve significantly the livelihoods of the population in the Senegal River Basin with a view to reducing poverty. The project activities are presented as follow:...
The objective of this Project is to strengthen Senegal River Basin’s riparian countries’ integration through the development of multi-purpose uses of water resources and to promote growth and community...
The objective of this Project is to strengthen Senegal River Basin’s riparian countries’ integration through the development of multi-purpose uses of water resources and to promote growth and community...
This Project aims to foster growth and to improve significantly the livelihoods of the population in the Senegal River Basin with a view to reducing poverty. The project activities are presented as follow:...
This Project aims to foster growth and to improve significantly the livelihoods of the population in the Senegal River Basin with a view to reducing poverty. The project activities are presented as follow:...
This Project aims to foster growth and to improve significantly the livelihoods of the population in the Senegal River Basin with a view to reducing poverty. The project activities are presented as follow:...
This Project aims to foster growth and to improve significantly the livelihoods of the population in the Senegal River Basin with a view to reducing poverty. The project activities are presented as follow:...
The overall objectives of the Integrated Water Management Program are (i) to protect and maintain the quality and reliability of São Paulo Metropolitan Region (MRSP)’s water resources and potable water...