The development objective of the Sustainable Agricultural Transformation Program for Results (PforR) Financing for Philippines is to improve productivity, diversification, climate resilience, and public...
The development objective of the Bahia Sustainable Rural Development Project for Brazil is to enhance resilience of family farmers in targeted states. The project comprises of five components. The first...
Mensajes clave - El sector agropecuario es un pilar fundamental de la economía de Paraguay, que contribuye significativamente al PIB y al empleo. A pesar de la rápida transformación y crecimiento del...
The development objective of the Building Skills for Human Capital Development in South Sudan Project for South Sudan is to increase skills development opportunities in teaching and digital agriculture...
Digital agriculture technologies (DAT) are digital tools and technologies used in agriculture to increase production, market, sustainability, and efficiency. Agriculture is a cornerstone of the Cambodian...
Ratings for the Agriculture and Natural Resources Landscape Management Project for Mozambique were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and...
This climate-smart agriculture (CSA) profile identifies opportunities for the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan to transform agriculture to increase productivity and enhance climate mitigation and...
Ratings for the Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control Project for Romania were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was substantial...
The objective of the Livestock and Agriculture Modernization Project (LAMP) for Niger is to increase productivity, commercialization, and climate resilience for project beneficiaries. The project has five...
The global agrifood system can no longer deliver the ‘triple wins’ of a healthy planet, healthy people, and healthy economies. The current system is associated with high ‘hidden costs’ and urgently needs...
Ratings for the Sustainable Family Farming Modernization Project for Ecuador were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was moderately satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was...
High-frequency monitoring of food commodity prices is important for assessing and responding to shocks, especially in fragile contexts where timely and targeted interventions for food security are critical...
l informe titulado Hacia un sector agroalimentario máscompetitivo, inclusivo y resiliente en Argentina es una evaluaciónrealizada por el Banco Mundial para el Gobierno de laRepública Argentina con el fin...