The development objective of the Capacity Injection Project for Somalia is to strengthen the staffing and institutional capacity of selected line ministries and central agencies to perform core government...
Located at the hub of Government’s decision-making system, center-of-government offices are crucial to a government’s capacity to define and implement their policies and programs. The work of coordination...
Ghana has developed a "New Approach to Public Sector Reform", which seeks to focus reforms on results, particularly the delivery of the Government's main priorities for (i) job creation and (ii) food production...
Several governments around the world have recently established delivery units at the center of government to drive performance improvements. This development may be in addition to whole-of-government reforms...
In their path to improve their policy-making process, Latin American governments typically face, at least, five important challenges: 1) insufficient technical capacity at the center of government to formulate...
The medium-term objective of this review of the Center of Government (CoG) is to improve the Government's policy performance by strengthening Romania's policy process and policy institutions. The objective...
This study summarizes the practice of policy-making in selected Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries and provides ideas for improving the quality of public policies in...
This paper looks at the role and design of regulatory reform institutions in developing countries. These institutions are classified into four broad types: 1) regulatory reform units, commonly known in...
This report discusses the remarks delivered by Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank. He discusses on Singapore's remarkable progress along the road from poverty to prosperity which has also been...
This report discusses the remarks delivered by Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank. He discusses on Singapore's remarkable progress along the road from poverty to prosperity which has also been...
This report discusses the remarks delivered by Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank. He discusses on Singapore's remarkable progress along the road from poverty to prosperity which has also been...
This report discusses the remarks delivered by Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank. He discusses on Singapore's remarkable progress along the road from poverty to prosperity which has also been...
This report discusses the remarks delivered by Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank. He discusses on Singapore's remarkable progress along the road from poverty to prosperity which has also been...
This report discusses the remarks delivered by Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank. He discusses on Singapore's remarkable progress along the road from poverty to prosperity which has also been...