Previous failure to take climate risks seriously has increased global stranding risks. Failure to address the barriers that developing countries face in phasing down their young coal-fired power plants...
The present paper is the first attempt to provide a new blueprint for proactivelyaddressing coal mining lands within a Just Transition framework. It arguesthat traditional approaches to mine land remediation...
Since 2000, total installed coal capacity has increased by 62 percent, with as many as 14 countries using coal for power generation for the first time during this period. Two-fifths of the world’s coal...
In the current “Just Transition for All” approach to coal mine closure, land repurposing has become an important enabling and supporting factor in a variety of contexts. In fact, a well-managed mine closure...
Eastern Wielkopolska is an area that is economically heavily dependent on coal and energy production (it generates 5 percent of Poland’s electricity) and is characterized by the presence of the most polluting...
The energy sector needs a variety of hydro-meteorological services to support decision-making for both day-to-day operations and for longer-term strategic planning, as weather and climate variables affect...
The development objective of Second Phase of Renewable Energy Scale-Up Program for China is to support the ambitious renewable energy scale-up program in China with a focus on efficiency improvement and...
This study report 'Planning for Efficient Dispatch' was developed within the framework of the project 'Variable Renewable Energy Integration and Planning: Pakistan' under a technical assistance project...
The Development Objective of the Second Phase of the Renewable Energy Scale-Up Program (CRESP) for China is to support the ambitious renewable energy scale-up program in China with a focus on efficiency...
The development objective of the Coal-Fired Generation Rehabilitation Project for India is to improve energy efficiency of selected coal-fired power generation units through renovation and modernization...
Integrated planning analysis can provide evidence to support decision making and consensus building about sensitive issues in the energy sector. To support analysis, an optimization model imputes costs...