The composition of flora and fauna in low-lying coastal regions worldwide is being altered by sea-level rise in a changing climate, favoring saline-tolerant species. These shifts are projected to have...
The expansion of marine protected areas (MPAs) is a core focus of global conservation efforts, with the “30x30” initiative to protect 30% of the ocean by 2030 serving as a prominent example of this trend...
Morocco’s coastal zones and associated marine environments form the backbone of Morocco’s economy. They face numerous threats including urbanization, pollution, resource depletion, and climate-related...
This is the first progress report to the Board of Executive Directors (the Board) on the implementation of the Management Action Plan (MAP) in response to the Inspection Panel Investigation Report on the...
The objectives of the quantitative research are: quantify traveler profile; importance of sustainability and traveler understanding of nature based tourism (NBT) versus marine and coastal versus eco tourism;...
Ratings for the First Phase of the Coastal Embankment Improvement Project for Bangladesh were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was moderately satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E)...
Ratings for the Forest Sector Modernization and Coastal Resilience Enhancement Project for Vietnam were as follows: outcomes were unsatisfactory, the Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and the...
A exploração insustentável de areia não é, de todo, um problema exclusivo de STP. No entanto, os impactes da extracção descontrolada de inertes, são particularmente nefastos em STP, tanto a nível social...
Belize’s economy relies heavily on its marine and coastal resources. Its coastal ecosystems, especially along the Belize Barrier Reef, support the habitat for a wide range of marine species and offer significant...
Over the last two decades, the Government of Egypt (GOE) has pursued its sustainable and resilient development. The Ministry of Environment (MOE) has improved the governance framework and promoted new...
Over the last two decades, the Government of Egypt (GOE) has pursued its sustainable and resilient development. The Ministry of Environment (MOE) has improved the governance framework and promoted new...
Sri Lanka’s coastal fisheries are a vital source of livelihoods, food, and nutrition, and are integral to the country’s economy, culture, and society. However, coastal fish stocks are in decline and fail...
Sustainable fisheries are crucial to Indonesia’s economic growth and the nutritional needs and livelihoods of millions of Indonesians. Yet evidence suggests that Indonesia's fisheries have yet more to...
The development objective of Coastal Adaptation and Resilience Project is to enhance climate adaptation and reduce flood risk in urban and rural areas in the coastal plain of Guyana. This project has three...