Ce rapport répond donc à trois motivations principales. Premièrement, les administrationsdouanières continuent généralement de fonctionner dans les situations de crise, contrairement àd'autres administrations...
Domestic resource mobilization has become a core priority of the sustainable development agenda for tax and customs administrations. Information systems can play a critical role in revenue mobilization...
A igualdade de gênero e a inclusão são centrais para os objetivos duplos do Grupo Banco Mundial de acabar com a pobreza extrema e aumentar a prosperidade compartilhada. Pesquisas mostraram que a expansão...
This paper presents a new methodology to detect collusion in customs and applies it to Madagascar’s main port. Manipulation of assignment of import declarations to inspectors is identified by detecting...
This report explores the sectors that will be instrumental for positive CU impact and competitiveness in the medium term. The initial chapter analyzes the gaps and opportunities the Kyrgyz NQI presents...
El progreso económico que ha registrado el Perú en las últimas dos décadas ha permitido ofrecer una mayor cantidad de servicios públicos, mejorar la infraestructura y financiar programas sociales. Sin...
Through steady structural reforms and good macroeconomic management, Tunisia has been successful in sustaining growth. The country enjoyed a 4.8 percentage average annual growth in Gross Domestic Product...
Times were tough for many in Georgia in the aftermath of the August 2008 conflict and the global economic downturn. As the country regains its economic footing by undertaking reforms backed by the World...
This survebrief discusses the results of a survey that as conducted from January 30 to February 6, 2012 at Customs Clearance Zones (CCZ) in Tbilisi, Batumi and Poti. 515 respondents were interviewed –...
This survebrief discusses the results of a survey that as conducted from January 30 to February 6, 2012 at Customs Clearance Zones (CCZ) in Tbilisi, Batumi and Poti. 515 respondents were interviewed –...
This brief is part of the World Bank Report No. 65977-KZ ‘Assessment of Costs and Benefits of the Customs Union for Kazakhstan’ published in January 2012. Trade facilitation will deepen integration through...
This brief is part of the World Bank Report No. 65977-KZ ‘Assessment of Costs and Benefits of the Customs Union for Kazakhstan’ published in January 2012. Trade facilitation will deepen integration through...
The Russian Federation Customs Development Project (CDP), launched in 2003, has been helping reform and modernizes the country's federal customs service. Reforms under the CDP have resulted in improved...