This paper is a contribution to the Mongolia Jobs Diagnostic (Betcherman et al. 2022). The Jobs Diagnostic analyzes the Mongolian labor market, including the evolution of labor supply and demand as well...
The world’s population is aging at dramatic speed. By 2050, most of the world’s seniors (aged 65+) will be living in what are currently low- and middle-income countries. Aging will require low- and middle-income...
Online gig work poses both opportunities and challenges for governments and workers. On the upside, it offers prospects for income generation, especially in developing countries, where most people work...
Online gig work poses both opportunities and challenges for governments and workers. On the upside, it offers prospects for income generation, especially in developing countries, where most people work...
Des emplois de qualité sont essentiels pour accélérer la réduction de la pauvreté et renforcer la cohésion sociale au Togo. Bien que le Togo ait fait des progrès significatifs dans la création d'un plus...
Les objectifs de cette étude sont (1) d’évaluer l’impact de la connectivité régionale et interne sur les emplois et l’accès aux services et (2) de fournir des recommandations pour les réformes politiques...
This report seeks to identify Jamaica’s main jobs problems, analyze their underlying causes, and provide policy options to foster debate on how to improve job outcomes. Utilizing a diagnostic approach...
Online gig work poses both opportunities and challenges for governments and workers. On the upside, it offers prospects for income generation, especially in developing countries, where most people work...
The brief is the fourth in a series of five briefs that investigate different aspects of the jobs and economic recovery process from the COVID 19 pandemic Nepal. It uses data from the two rounds of the...
The brief is the last in a series of five briefs that investigate different aspects of the jobs and economic recovery process from the COVID 19 pandemic Nepal. It uses data from the two rounds of the World...
A key purpose of this report is to understand the characteristics and incentive structures that drive informal employment in the MENA Region, with a focus on the Arab Republic of Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia...
More than three years after the first COVID-19 case was discovered in the East Asia and Pacific (EAP) region, it is time to take stock of the lasting effects—and opportunities—of the pandemic and identify...
Ratings for the Employment Support Program for Bosnia and Herzegovina were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was highly satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality...
The relationship between paid maternity leave and the share of female workers in registered private firms is analyzed using firm-level survey data for 111 developing and emerging countries. Theoretically...
Using a novel data, this paper examines unemployment benefits and active labor market policies across 191 countries in 2019-2020 and assesses their linkages with labor market outcomes. In 2019, 48 percent...
The development objective of the Employment Support Activities for Syrians Under Temporary Protection and Turkish Citizens Project is to improve the employability of Syrians under Temporary Protection...
The development objective of the Employment Support Activities for Syrians Under Temporary Protection and Turkish Citizens Project is to improve the employability of Syrians under Temporary Protection...
This brief summarizes findings on labor market impacts of COVID-19 from the third round of the rapid welfare tracking surveys in Cox’s Bazar. These rapid phone surveys are built on the Cox’s Bazar Panel...
With around 50.000 inhabitants Évora is a main urban center, both demographically and functionally. The city is known for its walled world heritage (UNESCO) site. As the regional capital, it houses the...
This brief focuses on the jobs challenge in Azerbaijan, one of three focusing on the issue in the South Caucasus. There are concerns that the previous positive trends in poverty and unemployment reduction...