This paper provides an extensive review of the literatures on product and labor market regulations and their effects on labor market outcomes. It uncovers the interdependence of these two types of regulations...
This paper studies how credit guarantee and employment protection programs interact in assisting firms during crises times. The paper analyzes how these government programs influence credit allocation...
Out-group prejudice, particularly towards forced migrants, has significant social and economic consequences. In Colombia, prejudice against Venezuelan migrants is on the rise, exacerbated by the large...
El prejuicio hacia los grupos externos, especialmente hacia los migrantes forzados, tiene consecuencias sociales y económicas significativas. En Colombia, el prejuicio contra los migrantes venezolanos...
Against the backdrop of aging, Indonesia has started to address important policy challenges, including by gradually raising the retirement age. Based on the United Nations World Population Prospects 2022...
MAS Holdings (MAS) is a global apparel manufacturing company headquartered in Sri Lanka. Established in 1987, it now has 52 manufacturing facilities across 17 countries, with its biggest markets in the...
The migration of young people from rural areas to urban centers poses a challenge to many companies with operations in remote locations. The Village Nut Company, a macadamia nut processing business in...
The Employment Support Activities for Syrians Under Temporary Protection and Turkish Citizens Project aims to enhance the employability of Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTP) and Turkish citizens...
The Employment Support Activities for Syrians Under Temporary Protection and Turkish Citizens Project aims to enhance the employability of Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTP) and Turkish citizens...
Across the world, governments use minimum wages, employment protection legislation, and other labor regulations that define the legal boundaries of employment to manage potential labor market imperfections...
The development objective of the Employment Support Activities for Syrians Under Temporary Protection and Turkish Citizens Project is to improve the employability of Syrians under Temporary Protection...
The development objective of the Employment Support Activities for Syrians Under Temporary Protection and Turkish Citizens Project is to improve the employability of Syrians under Temporary Protection...
Results from the Myanmar firm survey round 9 indicate that the business environment remained vulnerable. In October 2021, firms re-ported that profit declined by an average of 66 percent compared to January...
En el marco del Convenio de Asistencia Técnica Reembolsable (P176853), suscrito entre el Ministerio de Trabajo y Previsión Social (MINTRAB) y el Banco Mundial (BM) en el mes de julio de 2021, se acordó...
The development objective of the Employment Support Activities for Syrians Under Temporary Protection and Turkish Citizens Project is to improve the employability of Syrians under Temporary Protection...
The development objective of the Employment Support Activities for Syrians Under Temporary Protection and Turkish Citizens Project is to improve the employability of Syrians under Temporary Protection...
The development objective of the Employment Support Activities for Syrians Under Temporary Protection and Turkish Citizens Project is to improve the employability of Syrians under Temporary Protection...
A key prediction of dynamic labor demand models is that firing restrictions attenuate firms’ employment responses to economic fluctuations. The authors provide the first direct test of this prediction...
This paper exploits variation in country-level indicators drawn from published data to analyze the relationship between labor regulation and the use of digital technology. The analysis shows a statistically...