As Armenia works toward the Government’s ambitious renewable energy targets and the share of variable renewable generation increases, the country needs to install battery storage systems to ensure the...
This report examines the potential of circular business models for vanadium, focusing on the leasing model for Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries (VRFB). VRFBs are posited to become increasingly significant...
This report specifically focuses on battery energy storage in decentralized off-grid mini grids located in remote areas. It provides an overview of battery technologies used in mini grids globally, demand...
In recent years, the role of battery storage in the electricity sector globally has grown rapidly. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, more than 3 GW of battery storage capacity was being commissioned each year...
Ratings of Second Phase of the EU/IPA Energy Sector Technical Assistance Program Project for Türkiye were as follows: outcome was highly satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring...
The global power and transportation sectors of the future are expected to be fundamentally different from today, igniting opportunities for investment in new technologies that can bolster resilience and...