Ratings for the Ebola Emergency Response Project for Sierra Leone were as follows: outcome was highly satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was...
By assessing these three fundamental domains comprehensively, the SDI survey delivers a holistic view of the current status of primary health care service delivery. While many data sources offer insights...
As part of its engagement on regional air quality management in the Indo-Gangetic Plain and the Himalayan Foothills, the World Bank is applying the GAINS-IGP model to identify cost-effective policy interventions...
Human development investments have high rates of return and are well positioned to generate significant positive economic and social externalities. There are strong positive externalities from investments...
Під час воєнних дій Україна формує власну систему надання реабілітаційної допомоги з урахуванням своїх можливостей і досвіду, а також досвіду провідних країн світу у сфері реабілітації. Військові та...
Improving global health outcomes amidst fiscal constraints, climate crises, and pandemics is a formidable challenge for governments worldwide. The recently published WHO/World Bank 2023 UHC Global Monitoring...
The development objective of Additional Financing to Health System Efficiency and Resilience Project for West Bank and Gaza is to support the Palestinian Authority in improving the resilience and efficiency...
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global health security and development challenge that poses a threat to public health and economic prosperity. It is a challenge that is often overlooked. As antimicrobials...
By summarizing recent evidence and regional trends, this series is designed to provide Bhutan’s policymakers a digestible resource through which to better understand and respond to existing as well as...
Bhutan has made significant progress in the development of its healthsystem and services in the last six decades. Bhutan’s 2008 Constitution(article 9, section 21 & 22) mandates the state to provide free...
Este informe presenta los resultados del análisis sobre el mapeo de las intervenciones y programas del sector público que inciden en la nutrición materno-infantil y que se implementan actualmente en México;...
Lebanon’s healthcare system faces some daunting challenges. The country’s ongoing socioeconomic and political crisis has led to reduced government health spending and the widespread loss of public and...
The Service Delivery Indicators (SDI) health survey in Moldova serves as a vital tool forassessing and benchmarking the performance of health service delivery. Its primary aim is to evaluate the quality...