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  • Argentina - Integrated Habitat and Housing Project (Inglês)

    Ratings of Integrated Habitat and Housing Project for Argentina were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was modest...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Conclusão da Implementação e Relatórios sobre Resultados No. do relatório: ICR6321 Data do documento: 31 de janeiro de 2025 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: World Bank

  • Indonesia - National Affordable Housing Program (Inglês)

    Ratings for the National Affordable Housing Program for Indonesia were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was moderately satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was modest. Some...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Conclusão da Implementação e Relatórios sobre Resultados No. do relatório: ICR6325 Data do documento: 8 de setembro de 2023 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: World Bank

  • Ukraine - Housing Repair for People's Empowerment Project (HOPE) (Inglês)

    The Project’s Development Objective (PDO) is support affected households to regain adequate housing through resilient repair of damaged housing stock and to support national government in priority climate-resilient...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento do projeto No. do relatório: 190663 Data do documento: 30 de agosto de 2023 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: World Bank

  • Ukraine - Emergency Housing Support Project : Stakeholder Engagement Plan (Inglês)

    The development objective of Housing Repair for People's Empowerment Project for Ukraine is to: (a) support affected households to regain adequate housing through repair of damaged housing stock; and (b)...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Stakeholder Engagement Plan No. do relatório: 182746 Data do documento: 9 de junho de 2023 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Borrowing Agency

  • Ukraine - Emergency Housing Support Project : Stakeholder Engagement Plan (Inglês)

    The development objective of Housing Repair for People's Empowerment Project for Ukraine is to: (a) support affected households to regain adequate housing through repair of damaged housing stock; and (b)...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Stakeholder Engagement Plan No. do relatório: 182746 Data do documento: 9 de junho de 2023 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Borrowing Agency

  • Pakistan Housing Finance : Is there a Business Case for Financial Institutions ? (Inglês)

    The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, is committed to supporting the growth in the housing sector. To help realize the full potential of the opportunity in Pakistan’s...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Report No. do relatório: 174913 Data do documento: 9 de agosto de 2022 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: World Bank

  • Reconsidering Sites and Services: A Global Review (Inglês)

    Affordable housing demand in many developing countries outstrips supply. With the market unable to meet low-income housing demand, governments are hard pressed to provide lasting solutions. In the past...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Report No. do relatório: 172260 Data do documento: 7 de junho de 2022 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Kamunyori,Sheila W.,Arif,Rabeeya Suhail,Mwanga,Keziah Mwelu,Tasker-Brown,Julie Katsuno

  • IFC Housing Finance (Inglês)

    In the wake of the financial crisis of 2008, IFC is again ramping up its housing practice to help resuscitate an important asset class that has fallen out of favor with some investors. Applying lessons...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Informativo No. do relatório: 192563 Data do documento: 31 de dezembro de 2013 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: World Bank

  • Announcement of Housing Paper on May 19, 1975 (Inglês)

    This press release announces that millions of poor people in the fast-growing cities of developing countries do not have adequate housing because of the tendency to build unrealistically high standard...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Notificação No. do relatório: 177692 Data do documento: 19 de maio de 1975 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: World Bank