Vietnam has witnessed impressive economic growth in recent decades, but it continues to have a large share of its workers in the informal sector. The lack of a labor contract for workers in the informal...
This report explores the case for introducing innovative insurance products for businesses within the tourism industry that leverage and conserve coastal and marine ecosystems. It presents an overview...
Foreign direct investment (FDI) has powered prosperity in developing countries for decades. Yet FDI, once a reliable contributor to economic growth, a conduit for the transfer of technology and innovation...
No ano fiscal de 2024 (FY24), a Agência Multilateral de Garantia de Investimentos (MIGA) emitiu um recorde de US$ 8,2 bilhões em novas garantias em 40 projetos. Por meio desses projetos, a MIGA permaneceu...
Au cours de l’exercice 2024, l’Agence multilatérale de garantie des investissements (MIGA) a émis un montant record de 8,2 milliards de dollars de nouvelles garanties dans le cadre de 40 projets. Grâce...
في السنة المالية 2024 (FY24) ، أصدرت الوكالة الدولية لضمان الاستثمار (MIGA) ضمانات جديدة قياسية بقيمة 8.2 مليار دولار عبر 40 مشروعا. ومن خلال هذه المشاريع، واصلت الوكالة الدولية لضمان الاستثمار تركيزا...
In December 2020, Leadway Assurance Côte d’Ivoire, previously known as Leadway Vie Assurance, partnered with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), to develop a strategy to meet the protection needs...
IFC helps clients create insurance markets to serve emerging market consumers and enables insurers to invest in both capital markets and real sectors. IFC works in the insurance sector in three main areas:...
Government of Egypt does not have a common approach to managing various insurance mandates for the informal workers holistically. Income tax, health insurance (HI) and pensions-social insurance (SI) contributory...
This diagnostic report was prepared in response to a technical assistance request from the Government of the Republic of Namibia (GRN) to support the design and implementation of an index-based agriculture...
Development of a robust insurance sector is highly important for Bangladesh sustainable economic growth, social inclusion and protection of people and businesses from potential risks and losses. Devastating...
This report presents the World Bank’s findings from Phase 1, including the review of PCIC’s operations, the roadmap, and recommendations for strengthening and reforming agricultural insurance in the Philippines...
This Short Note is part of a series based on the report Working without Borders: The Promise and Peril of Online Gig Work that aims to promote discussion among policy makers and practitioners on opportunities...
A well-developed efficient insurance sector plays an important role in any economy. This role is supported by effective regulation and supervision with the aim of having a sound insurance sector that is...
Sierra Leone remains vulnerable to the financial impacts from a variety of disaster-related shocks and crises, including large annual floods, epidemics like Ebola, and man-made hazards such as severe fires...
The objective of this report is to make recommendations for the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica (GoCD) for the formulation of a country-specific comprehensive disaster risk financing (DRF) strategy...
ACTIVA Cameroon is one of Cameroon’s leading insurers: second in the Non-Life Branch and third in the Life Branch. In November 2019 it launched the Activ’Lady insurance program tailored towards Cameroonian...