This paper evaluates different methods for nowcasting country-level poverty rates, including methods that apply statistical learning to large-scale country-level data obtained from the World Development...
There are 8 million jobs in Cambodia. 80 percent of Cambodian adults are working, compared to 62.5 percent in the rest of East Asia. Cambodia’s workforce is expected to grow by 135,000 workers per year...
Zoning laws that restrict rural land to agricultural production pose an important institutional barrier to industrial development. This paper studies the effects of the Industrial Areas (IA) program in...
Logistics has been a major growth sector in the world economy in terms of levels of activity and expenditure for many decades. Given its critical importance to economic development and social welfare...
Each year, well-over half a million Bangladeshis engage in temporary international migration for low-skilled jobs. Yet, migrants from Bangladesh are paying some of the highest costs to migrate in the world...
The Seasonal Worker Program (SWP) is a temporary migration scheme between Australia and selected Pacific Island Countries. It was introduced in 2012 and covers the agriculture, accommodation and tourism...
The seasonal worker program (SWP) is a temporary migration scheme between Australia and selected Pacific Island countries. It was introduced in 2012 and covers the agriculture, accommodation, and tourism...
Most people in Kerala work off the farm, with nearly two-thirds of the workforce engaged in wage employment. But, many among them earn casual wages. This is not surprising since most of the new jobs created...
People in Maharashtra are gradually moving off the farm and into other kinds of work. Since 2005, job growth in Maharashtra, led by services, has been higher than in many other states. This has resulted...
Contrary to popular perception, over two-thirds of Punjab’s labor force works off the farm, among the highest levels of non-farm employment in the country. Since 2005, job growth in the state has been...
Most of Himachal Pradesh’s people are engaged in farming. Non-farm jobs account for a lower share of employment than in most other states. Over two-thirds of Himachal Pradesh’s workforce is self-employed...
Haryana's people are increasingly employed in the non-farm sectors of the economy. After 2005, most new jobs in Haryana were created in construction and services. While this has led to rising wage employment...
People in Madhya Pradesh are increasingly moving off the farm and into other kinds of work such as construction. Growth in non-farm jobs has been positive after 2005 but lower than in other low-income...
A majority of Chhattisgarh’s people are in farming. The share of non-farm employment in the state is the lowest in the country. Half the workforce is self-employed and of the remaining, very few have salaried...
This paper presents an exploration at the intersection of four important themes in the current development discourse: urbanization, agglomeration benefits, gender and informality. Focusing on the important...
Past studies on gender wage inequality in Africa typically attribute the gender pay gap either to gender differences in characteristics or in the return to characteristics. Authors suggest however that...
In northwest Bangladesh, some 36 percent of poor households migrate every year during the lean (monga) period to cope with seasonal deprivation. Analysis of household survey data shows that the probability...