This report is structured into three main parts, covering both new content and confirming key conclusions of the first two summary reports. First, it summarizes CCDR findings on the impacts of climate...
The objective of the Enhancing Landscape and Ecosystem Management (ELEMENT) Project for India is to improve landscape management and increase benefits for targeted forest dependent communities in Tripura...
Ratings for the Uttarakhand Workforce Development Project for India were as follows: the risk to development outcome was minimum, the Bank's performance was satisfactory, and the monitoring and evaluation...
Despite its intrinsic relevance and policy makers’ efforts to address the infrastructure gap, progress has been limited. A confluence of challenges from macroeconomic shocks and political instability to...
The emergence of the Port Community System (PCS). The PCS represents a pivotal development in the world of maritime trade facilitation and logistics. These sophisticated digital platforms enable seamless...
México, al igual que otras economías de ingresos medios, necesita realizar importantes inversiones para afrontar retos climáticos, ambientales y sociales que requieren movilizar capital privado. En México...
Despite its intrinsic relevance and policy makers’ efforts to address the infrastructure gap, progress has been limited. A confluence of challenges from macroeconomic shocks and political instability to...
Despite its intrinsic relevance and policy makers’ efforts to address the infrastructure gap, progress has been limited. A confluence of challenges from macroeconomic shocks and political instability to...
This Performance and Learning Review (PLR) summarizes the progress of the World Bank Group (WBG)1 Country Partnership Framework (CPF) FY2021 for the Republic of Fiji (Fiji), adjusts the results framework...
Romania has made considerable economic progress over the past two decades, but it needs more sustainable and inclusive growth. Over the past decades, Romania has achieved impressive economic progress...
The objective of this study is to enhance understanding and build capacity in Lagos State to improve SWM and reduce marine plastic pollution by promoting sustainable plastic management practices based...
Ratings for the Second Ethiopia Growth and Competitiveness Programmatic Development Policy Financing Project for Ethiopia were as follows: outcomes were moderately unsatisfactory, the relevance of prior...
Project development funds (PDFs) are dedicated vehicles that governments establish to systematically support the preparation of public-private partnerships (PPPs). The lack of adequate and consolidated...
The Kyrgyz Republic has made impressive progress in poverty reduction, reducing the 2017 PPP adjusted US$3.65 per day poverty rate by nearly half: from 24.8 percent in 2010 to 11.7 percent in 2019. However...
El propósito de este documento es proporcionar un marco práctico para guiar a los gobiernos en catalizando y aumentando la inversión pública y privada en Carbono Azul como parte de su desarrollo de la...
Казахстан стремится постепенно устранить зависимость от ископаемого топлива для удовлетворения спроса на электроэнергию и отопление. В этой связи одной из главных задач была модернизация систем электроснабжения...
A decision tree approach to assessing and identifying steps in pursuing blue carbon readiness within your country. Starting with Pillar 1, move your way through the tree using the legend below as a guide...