Отчет "Оценка бедности и равенства в Казахстане" был подготовлен совместно Агентством по стратегическому планированию и реформам Республики Казахстан (АСПР) и группой экспертов Всемирного банка по бедности...
This report examines poverty in Jamaica, revealing its cyclical nature driven by low economic growth and vulnerability to external shocks. Despite periods of significant poverty reduction, the country...
Algeria’s growth remained dynamic, and inflation decelerated in early 2024, amid OPEC quota reductions but resilient agricultural output, higher public spending, and strong investment. Declining oil and...
Growth will be driven by investments associated with Phase II of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP-II), increasing in 2024 and 2025, and moderating thereafter. Structural weaknesses limit private...
The official multidimensional poverty rate in Mexico, which measures monetary poverty as well as deprivations in education, health, social security, housing quality, basic utilities, and food security...
With the ongoing macroeconomic adjustment, growth is projected to recover to 3.5 percent in FY25 from an estimated 2.5 percent in FY24. Inflation remains in double digits with disproportionate implications...
Belize's economy bounced back from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, showing strong growth, reduced debt, a primary fiscal surplus, decelerating inflation, and low unemployment rate. However, it is...
Botswana’s growth is projected to decline to 1 percent in 2024 from 2.7 in 2023, partly owing to a weak global diamond market. Higher public investment and measures to support households are set to increase...
In the last two decades, Morocco managed to significantly reduce poverty, consistently across national and international poverty lines. Between 2001 and 2013, Morocco experienced significant poverty reduction...
This document highlights the interconnectedness of poverty and hunger, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach to address both issues. It emphasizes the importance of investing in proven solutions...
This Annual Report presents the progress and results achieved during fiscal year 2023.
This paper presents findings from a qualitative study on gender differentiated impacts of the food and energy price shocks among the poor and vulnerable in Côte d’Ivoire. Increased costs of living – induced...
Data from the Burkina Faso High Frequency Phone Survey suggest that the fraction of households that is moderately or severely food insecure has been rising steadily over the years. In January 2024 food...
The proposed assessment will have a narrower scope than a typical Poverty Assessment, primarily due to data limitations. The World Bank’s Poverty Assessment typically requires data from a nationally representative...
In recent decades, economic growth in the Dominican Republic (DR) has been steady. However, growth has not occurred in such a way as to make the benefits widely and evenly available. In fact, although...
Poverty and social exclusion are persistent challenges in Croatia - particularly among vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly, and persons with disabilities with certain areas of the country affected...
The Country Program Evaluation (CPE) for Tanzania assesses the World Bank Group’s effectiveness and relevance in its work to help Tanzania address its key development challenges. The CPE will encompass...