В данном отчете представлена комплексная оценка ожидаемого спроса на услуги Среднего коридора - мультимодального железнодорожного и морского коридора, соединяющего китайский и европейский рынки через Центральную...
Ghana has made substantial progress toward universal health coverage (UHC) andcompares relatively well in health outcomes among its economic peers. Internationalcomparisons of government current health...
Costa Rica was one of the first countries in the Latin America and Caribbean region to choose the World Bank Program for Results (PforR) financing instrument to support the implementation of the Strategic...
Costa Rica fue uno de los primeros países en la región de América Latina y el Caribe en elegir el instrumento de financiamiento Programa para Resultados (PforR) del Banco Mundial para respaldar la implementación...
The development objectives of the Provincial Public Health Insurance Development Project for Argentina are to: (a) increase utilization and quality of key health services for the uninsured target population;...
This Provincial Public Health Insurance Development Project of Argentina aims to update strategic actions with relevance of the SUMAR Program in the framework of the extension to the population group of...
With a population of 113 million and a per-capita Gross Domestic Product, or GDP of US$10,064 (current U.S. dollars), Mexico is one of the largest and highest-income countries in Latin America and the...