This paper examines how the concentration of large firms influences the fiscal multiplier effects of public investment in transport infrastructure. Using data from 1,891 Peruvian municipalities and firm-level...
Industrial production improved in November 2024, driven by an increased production of key export and manufactured products. While staying in expansionary territory, Vietnam’s PMI inched down slightly from...
Industrial production improved in November 2024, driven by an increased production of key export and manufactured products. While staying in expansionary territory, Vietnam’s PMI inched down slightly from...
Impressive economic growth in the United Republic of Tanzania since 2000 propelled it into lower middle-income country (LMIC)1 status in 2020. The country’s gross domestic product (GDP) is composed of...
Industrial production improved in October 2024, driven by strong growth in the manufacturing sector. The purchasing managers’ index (PMI) in manufacturing became expansionary at 51.2 as the manufacturing...
Industrial production improved in October 2024, driven by strong growth in the manufacturing sector. The purchasing managers’ index (PMI) in manufacturing became expansionary at 51.2 as the manufacturing...
This Climate Change and Development Report (CCDR) establishes the case for a new economic model to address Tunisia’s challenging economic and social context and vulnerability to climate change. Building...
The paper examines the macroeconomic effects of public investment in emerging market and developing economies. To this end, the analysis develops a new measure of public investment shocks based on cyclically...
Economic growth rose to 4.3 percent in H1 2024, driven by the non-hydrocarbon sector supported by public investment. Annual inflation fell to 1.1 percent as external pressures subsided. External and fiscal...
Economic growth rose to 4.3 percent in H1 2024, driven by the non-hydrocarbon sector supported by public investment. Annual inflation fell to 1.1 percent as external pressures subsided. External and fiscal...
This Public Finance Review (PFR) discusses the challenges and opportunities in strengthening Zambia’s fiscal governance to support the government’s ambitious development agenda through transformative investments...
This paper introduces a novel index to measure public investment quality, utilizing the World Bank’s investment project performance data from 120 countries over 2000–21. After detailing the construction...
Niger’s risk of external and overall public debt distress is assessed as “moderate”—unchanged from the previous DSA published in July 2023.2 However, the military takeover of July 2023 changed the political...
Both external and overall public debts in Nepal are assessed at low risk of debt distress, unchanged from the last year’s Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA). Present value (PV) of external debt-to-exports...
Botswana’s fast diamond-based growth, significant public investment, and political stability catapulted it into a stable upper-middle-income country and improved living standards. Despite its income status...
IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in developing countries. The Latin American and Caribbean region (LAC) accounts for the...
Ratings for the Program to Strengthen Governance for Enabling Service Delivery and Public Investment in Kenya (GESDeK) for Kenya were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory and monitoring...
Zambia remains in debt distress. The stock of external arrears (principal and interest) reached 26 percent of GDP by end-year 2023. Despite significant fiscal adjustment, in the absence of the settlement...
South Asia is expected to continue to be the fastest growing emerging market and developing economy (EMDE) region over the next two years. This is largely thanks to robust growth in India, but growth is...