Egypt is on a path toward greener, more resilient, and inclusive development, with high expectations for the electrification of transport, known as “electric mobility” (e-mobility), to play an important...
Táto správa bola vypracovaná s cieľom podporiť prácu iniciatívy Európskej únie na dobiehanie regiónov (CuRI) pri riešení potrieb Banskobystrického samosprávneho kraja (BBSK). Prezentovaná iniciatíva BBSK...
This report was written to support the work of the European Union’s catching-up regions initiative (CuRI) in addressing the needs of the Banska Bystrica self-governing region (BBSK). The BBSK’s presented...
It is often said that transport is the one economic sector that can degrade as incomes increase. The degradation is manifested in increasing congestion, pollution, accidents, and other traffic related...
The major physical components of the Second Urban Transport Project for Brazil were successfully completed and at a cost below appraisal estimates. The TRENSURB rapid transit line was constructed and technical...