The development objectives of the Roads and Employment Project for Lebanon are to improve transport connectivity along select paved road sections and create short-term jobs for Lebanese and Syrians. Some...
The development objective of the Road Sector Support Project for Ethiopia is to reduce travel time and cost along selected inter-regional corridors and support the sustainability of the federal road network...
The development objective of the Road Sector Support Project for Ethiopia is to reduce travel time and cost along selected inter-regional corridors and support the sustainability of the federal road network...
The development objective of Road Safety Project for Bangladesh is to build road safety management capacity and achieve targeted reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries in Bangladesh. This...
Transportation Asset Management is a strategic and systematic process of operating, maintaining, upgrading, and expanding physical assets effectively throughout their lifecycle. It focuses on business...
To aid the Municipality of Ulaanbaatar (MUB) in making data-driven decisions for prioritizing investments in new infrastructure, repairs, and maintenance, the World Bank team, in collaboration with the...
A road network map is one of the most fundamental features of geospatial information, with a variety of applications, such as asset management, investment planning, trip planning, and traffic analysis...
The development objective of the Climate Resilient Road Connectivity Improvement Project for Lao People’s Democratic Republic is to improve climate resilient road access in targeted provinces, enhance...
The development objective of the State of Bahia Proactive, Safe, and Resilient Road Asset Management Program Project for Brazil is to improve access to sustainable, safe, and resilient transport in selected...
This study examines the medical, economic, and social costs– to individuals, families, communities, and societies of people becoming permanently disabled in road traffic accidents The World Health Organization’s...
The Government of Rwanda (GoR) is engaged in an ambitious rural road improvement program, to enhance market access and reduce transport costs for people as well as goods. The program will upgrade a share...
Developing guidance and tools to assess and monitor regional transport corridors performance is among the priority activities of the Africa Transport Policy Program Fourth Development Plan (SSATP-DP4)...
This document provides a step-by-step guidance on how to conduct accessibility analysis for public transport in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. It includes: creating a GTFS based on spatial and timetable data;...
This study has two interconnected high-level objectives, these are: 1. To strengthen the analytical and institutional capacity of the Municipality of Ulaanbaatar (MUB) to introduce and implement technology-enabled...
The development objective of the Expressway Development Support Project for Ethiopia is to facilitate the efficient and safer movement of goods and people along selected heavily-trafficked corridors, whilst...
The development objective of Road Sector Support Project for Ethiopia is to facilitate movement of goods and people along selected inter-regional corridors serving areas with high potential for agriculture...