A critical ingredient for well-functioning schools that promote student learning is the quality of school management—that is, the actions taken by the school management team to administer and coordinate...
This publication provides an overview of off-site construction as part of the broader family of modern methods of construction, its advantages and shortcomings, and its application in the construction...
Pakistani children have faced nationwide and severe disruptions to their schooling over the past several years, first due to the COVID-19 pandemic and then the 2022 floods. Given the country’s vulnerability...
This study proposes a novel way of modeling the heterogeneous effects of schooling based on the notion that learning is maximized when the skill of the child matches the complexity of the learning experiences...
Learning Poverty shows the extent of the learning crisis by focusing on the share of children who don’t learn to read with comprehension by age 10. Children who are Learning Poor are not able to reach...
The Ethiopia Gender Platform (EGP) of the World Bank (WB) aims to strengthen women’s empowerment outcomes across operations in its Ethiopia portfolio. It does this through a combination of technical support...
Iraq is prone to natural disasters, including increased climate-related hazards like flooding and geohazards such as earthquakes, which have significantly deteriorated its education infrastructure. To...
The COVID-19 pandemic washed over Türkiye at the beginning of March 2020, resulting in widespread school closures for an extended period. During this time, widespread distance education via Türkiye’s existing...
The Pacific Secondary School Program (PSSP) is a regional, multiphase program aimed at identifying and designing interventions that can improve educational outcomes of secondary school–aged youth. The...
This report examines the prevalence of online gender-based violence (GBV) among school-age children in Indonesia, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic and the shift to remote learning. Despite the...
Lebanon has been participating in the Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) since 2003, offering a rich data source for progress on learning in Lebanon over time, and factors associated with...
Ratings for the Decentralizing Funding to Schools Project (DFSP) for Myanmar were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was highly satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E)...
The private school sector has expanded with almost no public intervention to educate half of primary school children in many urban centers in Africa and Asia. Simple comparisons of test scores would suggest...
Schools are safe when all students, teachers, and staff can thrive in a welcoming environment that supports learning, health and well-being, and positive relationships. Promoting school safety should consider...
Chapter 4 of the Western and Central Africa Education Strategy focuses on five broad interrelated thematic areas to improve teaching and learning: transforming the teacher workforce, improving children’s...
Children with disabilities undoubtedly face barriers within the education system, however they also face significant challenges within the broader ecosystem that can significantly undermine their and their...
Ratings for the Learning for All Project for Angola were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was modest...
The development objective of the Equity with Quality and Learning at Secondary Project for Malawi is to improve the quality of mathematics and science instruction and increase access to secondary education...