The World Bank’s Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA) awarded a grant for the project, Enhancing Performance and Accountability of Social Service Contracts in Uganda proposed by Africa Freedom...
The objective of the Integrated Social Services for Vulnerable Youth Project for Jordan is to improve the quality of life of vulnerable youth by increasing the provision of services to young people, by...
Le projet de filet de sécurité sociale (FSS) est composé de trois programmes: un programme de transferts monétaires conditionnels, un programme de filet de sécurité productif et un programme de transferts...
This brief focuses on the Citizens’ Charter Afghanistan Project, which was launched on September 25th at a ceremony attended by over 400 representatives from donor communities, international organizations...
Myanmar has an important opportunity to improve the health status and education outcomes of its people after decades of underspending and institutional neglect in the social sectors. Low access to health...
The development objective of the Bahia Poor Urban Areas Integrated Development Project for Brazil is to reduce urban poverty in a sustainable manner, targeting the poorest and most vulnerable sections...
The development objective of the Bahia Poor Urban Areas Integrated Development Project for Brazil is to reduce urban poverty in a sustainable manner, targeting the poorest and most vulnerable sections...