The representation and significance of women in the labor force have grown significantly over the past five decades around the globe. Using nationally representative data from more than 90 countries, this...
Viet Nam is widely regarded as a success story for its impressive economic growth and poverty reduction in the last few decades. Yet, recent evidence indicates that the country’s economic growth has not...
Analyses of GDP per capita differences across countries focus almost exclusively on differences in productivity. This paper shows that there are also large differences in medium-run dynamics in the employment-to-population...
This paper contributes to the discussion on Africa's pathways to economic transformation by examining the roles of trade patterns—specifically, South-South and North-South trade—focusing on intermediate...
The coexistence of several definitions of green jobs and measurement instruments gives room for mismatches between those concepts and their application to research questions. This paper first presents...
Jordan has prudently navigated difficult times, showing resilience in the face of several external shocks. Despite the growth recovery, entrenched structural constraints continue to weigh on labor market...
Jordan’s real growth registered 2.4 percent in 2022 and has accelerated to 2.7 percent in H1-2023, compared to a pre-COVID-19 (2012-2019) average of 2.4 percent. Growth was supported by the services sector...
سجل النمو الحقيقي في الأردن 2.4% في عام 2022، ثم تسارع إلى 2.7% في النصف الأول من عام 2023، مقارنة بمتوسط ما قبل كوفيد-19 (2012-2019) البالغ 2.4%. وحظي النمو بدعم من قطاع الخدمات وقطاع الزراعة، بالإضافة...
Côte d'Ivoire is at a crossroads. Despite good progress over the last decade, recent global economic and health shocks have aggravated existing problems including lack of fiscal space, limited access to...
El modelo de crecimiento de la República Dominicana ha llevado a una expansión económica excepcional, superando con creces el promedio de ALC en las últimas dos décadas, pero está llegando a sus límites...
With international production fragmentation, countries specialize in activities along the production chain rather than particular products. This paper therefore analyzes export diversification taking an...
This paper presents: (i) the structure adjustments result of the 2023 (FY24) review of staff compensation for the World Bank Group for Headquarters (HQ) and Country Offices (CO), and (ii) the FY24 IBRD...
This paper studies the effect of a local sectoral productivity shock on subnational structural transformation. The analysis is based on regional input-output tables constructed for 2004 and 2013 and available...
This paper uses an exogenous shock to wages from the world’s largest anti-poverty program to show that higher wages can lead to increased air pollution, likely by inducing farmers to shift into a labor-saving...
Climate change will impose large and differentiated tolls across countries. This paper suggests that economic fragility and resilience against climate change-driven natural shocks are shaped by: (i) the...
In the first week of December, 2015, a parliamentary delegation from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, visited Poland in order to learn from this country’s experience in reforming its social insurance system. Despite...
In the first week of December, 2015, a parliamentary delegation from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, visited Poland in order to learn from this country’s experience in reforming its social insurance system. Despite...
This brief highlights a joint seminar organized by the World Bank and the National Bank of Poland (NBP) held at NBP’s head office in Warsaw where the issue of economic development in a transforming world...