Bulgarian firms in clean tech value chains demonstrate limited integration within the domestic economy and rely heavily on foreign suppliers, with only 25 percent of their supplier network being domestic...
This report shows that Romania has the potential to become a significant player in the EU’s green value chains but needs to address its weaknesses to fully capitalize on the opportunities. Firm network...
This report shows that Poland is the frontrunner in clean tech value chains, standing to benefit from the opportunities that the green transition may bring. Poland exports more, specializes in more complex...
Croatian firms in clean tech value chains demonstrate limited integration within the domestic economy and rely heavily on foreign suppliers, with only 25 percent of their supplier network being domestic...
Ratings of Assam State Public Finance Institutional Reforms Project for India were as follows: outcome was highly satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality...
Utilizing novel data on over 10,000 disclosed cyber incidents across 190 countries and 21 industries, along with data on governments’ cybersecurity commitments, this paper investigates the impact of cybersecurity...
Los avances tecnológicos pueden causar importantes alteraciones en los mercados laborales. En este informe, se examina el impacto de las computadoras, los robots, la IA y la mejora de las TIC en los mercados...
This study compares Korea’s successful diversification experience with Viet Nam’s recent diversification path to identify how the latter country could further diversify into more value-added products...
IFC maintains a focused relationship with the Baltic countries, which revolves around engagement with select companies in the fintech and tech, forestry, logistics, agribusiness and retail sectors, which...
This research identifies factors that affect the technological transition of firms toward industry 4.0 technologies, focusing on capabilities and policy impacts using relatedness and complexity measures...
One approach to improve the trade environment for food staples that has gained considerable momentum and widespread support in recent years has been to harmonize quality standards across countries and...
This press release announces that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) will invest Indian Rupees 20 million (approximately 0.7 million US dollars) in the Information Technology Fund, India's first...