Goal 9 of the Sustainable Development Goals aims to provide universal affordable broadband globally by 2030. However, a lack of data, combined with few independent and scientifically reproducible assessments...
Efficient spectrum management policies are critical to improve coverage and quality of mobile services and to facilitate technology evolution. Given that International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) spectrum...
Montenegro Policy Note on Broadband: Achieving Universality of High-Speed Broadband: Review and Application Experience of the EU State Aid Framework aims to provide advice to the Government of Montenegro...
El riego es fundamental para la gestión de recursos hídricos y la adaptación al cambio climático. Es necesario continuar el avance hacia una agricultura productiva y competitiva en las tres regiones agroclimáticas...
El nivel superior del sistema educativo peruano es amplio, heterogéneo, y, hasta hace poco, carecía de regulación y estándares claros de calidad. Con altas tasas de matriculación y subempleo, es necesario...
This resettlement plan / plan d'action de reinstallation for the Dakar Diamniadio Road Project for Senegal, which constructs a main communication axle between Dakar and Diamniadio, describes expected social...
This news release, dated May 27, 1982, announces the Bank approved a 44.7 million dollars loan to Kenya to improve telecommunication facilities throughout the country.
This news release, dated March 29, 1979, announces the World Bank will provide a 20 million dollars loan to support a project to improve telecommunications services in Kenya.
This news release, dated May 22, 1978, announces the World Bank approved two loans totaling 32 million dollars to help finance a telecommunications project and an industrial and agricultural training project...
This news release, dated March 16, 1978, announces Costa Rica will expand its telecommunications system with the help of a 10.6 million dollars loan approved by the World Bank.
This press release announces on May 20, 1974, that the World Bank has made eighteen million US dollars loan to the Trinidad and Tobago Telephone Company Limited (TELCO) to help finance a telephone network...
This press release announces on May 2, 1974, that the World Bank has approved twenty-five million US dollars loan to the Republic of Ivory Coast to help finance the extension and improvement of the country's...
This press release announces that the World Banlc has made its third loan for the expansion and improvement of telecommunications services in the East African Community of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda on...
This press release announces on November 16, 1972, that a World Bank loan of thirty-seven million US dollars aims to help financing expansion and improvement of telecommunications services in Thailand...
This press release announces that a second stage development of a comprehensive telecommunications program in Venezuela will be supported by a loan approved by the World Bank on July 1, 1971. The loan...