Firms increasingly must contend with trade regulations to access foreign markets. This paper quantifies the relative importance of trade regulations and their heterogeneous effects for Colombian firms...
This paper uses the construction of India's Golden Quadrilateral (GQ) highway to explore the impact of an exogenous increase in market access and competition across the firm life cycle and generates four...
Bangladesh is well placed to play an important role in regional trade and logistics networks, and as a transit country in South Asia. There are corridors and associated border crossing points that connect...
This report explores the opportunities and challenges for developing economies arising from digital trade and discusses the role of international cooperation in tackling these opportunities and challenges...
The development objective of Regional Connectivity Project for Bangladesh is to improve conditions for trade through improving connectivity, reducing logistics bottlenecks, and supporting the adoption...
This paper studies the effect of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on the performance of firms in Central Asia. It uses unique data from the Business Pulse Survey run by the World Bank in the Kyrgyz Republic...
This report focuses on services trade policies in Africa. It covers the following: Quantifying policy restrictiveness; Policy restrictiveness in Africa; and Gauging policy reform.
This report focuses on the following: Services regulatory surveys for African economies; and Patterns of services trade policy in Africa.
This report focuses on the following for trade in services: peculiarities and key concepts; unveiling the dual importance of trade in services; key challenges for policy makers ; International trade...
The development objective of the Building Institutions and Systems to Harness and Realize Agenda 2063 Project for Africa is to improve the capacity of the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African...
O Corredor Aricanduva é uma parte essencial da rede de transporte público de São Paulo e se apresenta como uma oportunidade para a estruturação dos serviços de transporte na região e no ambiente urbano...
Understanding inclusion dynamics in trade and including those considerations into development of and integration into regional value chains provides an important opportunity for poverty reduction and inclusive...
The development objective of the Trade Promotion and Quality Infrastructure Project for Armenia is to strengthen the government’s capacity to provide export promotion, investment attraction, and quality...
Dans le cadre du programme de Facilitation des Echanges en Afrique de l’Ouest (FEAO), initiative lancée en 2018 en vue d’améliorer la facilitation du commerce en Afrique de l’Ouest, une assistance technique...