The International Standards and Technical Regulations program is a 3-year project financed by the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The focus of the program is to build awareness among companies...
This paper examines the effect of compensating a private sector provider of employment services for successful placement of jobseekers with employers. Within this program, active job matching, relative...
It is critical for all training professionals to maintain a strong relationship with the client throughout the entirety of a project. That is why Partnering with Clients lies at the center of the competency...
Digital technology offers the potential to lower the costs of delivering business training, and to enable it to be scaled across a wide geographic area. But there are questions about how feasible such...
This report corresponds to Output 4, training on public investment policies and developing and operationalizing the integrated investment coordination mechanism, part of the Reimbursable Advisory Services...
This report corresponds to Output 4, training on public investment policies and developing and operationalizing the integrated investment coordination mechanism, part of the Reimbursable Advisory Services...
This paper studies the effects of an oversubscribed job-training program on skills and labor-market outcomes using both survey and administrative data. Overall, vocational training improves labor-market...
This article presents the results of a value-added evaluation assessing the effects of using augmented and virtual reality (AVR) to deliver training in auto-mechanics to a cohort of second-semester students...
International Finance Corporation’s (IFC’s) women on boards and in business leadership (WBBL) training program meets the needs of companies as they look toward this changed paradigm. It responds to the...
Ratings of Youth Employment Support Project for Argentina were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was modest...