This report is structured into three main parts, covering both new content and confirming key conclusions of the first two summary reports. First, it summarizes CCDR findings on the impacts of climate...
Reducing the impact of climate change on poor and vulnerable households is essential for hastening poverty reduction. In thinking about policies that do this, it is useful to apply the same hazard, exposure...
The development objective of Second Phase of Support for Social Recovery Needs of Vulnerable Groups Project is to expand support for the immediate social recovery needs of vulnerable groups in Lebanon...
Microfinance is an important tool to improve livelihoods at the base of the pyramid. Access to finance has proven to reduce poverty and enable the poor build assets, increase incomes, and reduce their...
This Discussion Note examines IDA’s existing framework for addressing vulnerability concerns in its countries. In general, vulnerability refers to the extent to which individuals, communities, or systems...
This document is an update to the previous Poverty Assessment and presents revised monetary poverty estimates and an update of non-monetary poverty indicators. Specifically, it presents an updated analysis...
This document is an update to the previous Poverty Assessment and presents revised monetary poverty estimates and an update of non-monetary poverty indicators. Specifically, it presents an updated analysis...
Female labor force participation in Mashreq countries is notably low due to a range of structural constraints that are further exacerbated by gender norms. This knowledge brief highlights lessons learned...
Although the Maldives’ economy rebounded strongly from the pandemic, macro-financial vulnerabilities persist. After double-digit growth in 2022, real gross domestic product (GDP) growth is projected to...
The multidonor trust fund, Enhancing Access to Benefits while Lowering Emissions (EnABLE), is a global knowledge, operations, and technical assistance program. Its overall development goal is to enhance...
Since the onset of COVID-19 in 2020, Togo’s economy has shown signs of resilience in the face of shocks but efforts to reduce poverty were frustrated and fiscal space depleted. Togo was able to avoid a...
Since the onset of COVID-19 in 2020, Togo’s economy has shown signs of resilience in the face of shocks but efforts to reduce poverty were frustrated and fiscal space depleted. Togo was able to avoid a...
The Sahel Adaptive Social Protection Program (SASPP) supports six Sahelian countries, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Senegal to build adaptive social protection systems to help vulnerable...
The Integrated Drought Risk Management Framework highlights a three-pillar approach centered around interconnected, multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional activities. These are 1) Vulnerability and impact...
The authors investigate key climate change hazards affecting Nepali households and livelihoods: river flooding, heat exposure, drought, landslides, and air pollution. The authors analyze the distributional...
This report corresponds to Deliverable 2 of the TF Administrative Agreement signed between the Directorate General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) of the European Commission (EC) and the World...
대한민국은 한국전쟁 이후 놀라운 경제 발전을 경험했습니다. 1953년 1인당 국내총생산이 67달러에 불과했던 한국은 60년만에 원조 수혜국에서 고소득 국가로 발돋움했습니다. 1960년 1,027달러였던 1인당 국내총생산이 2021년에는 32,730달러로 빠르게 증가했습니다. 지난 10년 동안 동아태 지역은 엄청난 경제성장과 발전을 경험했고, 이는 특히 금융부문에서...
The Republic of Korea’s astonishing economic development commenced shortly after the end of the Korean war. Today, Korea is the world’s tenth largest economy based on gross domestic product, a key development...