GFDRR partnered with an educational institution in Indonesia to bolster the capacity of the country’s water utility operators — shaping training modules that are now integrated into the curriculum and...
The Recife Metropolitan Region (RMR), located in the state of Pernambuco in Northeast Brazil, has 4.1 million inhabitants, of which 99% have access to water and 34% (SNIS, 2019) to sanitation. However...
A Região Metropolitana do Recife (RMR), no estado de Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil, possui 4,1 milhões de habitantes, dos quais 99% têm acesso à água, e 34% têm acesso a esgoto (SNIS, 2019). Porém, prejuízos...
This report was prepared based on the results of comprehensive review on the previous studies on the legal and regulatory environment of the private sector participation in water sector in Indonesia, assessment...
This report was prepared based on the results of comprehensive review on the previous studies on the legal and regulatory environment of the private sector participation in water sector in Indonesia, assessment...
The objective of project 22HR06 Croatia is to support the economy and efficiency of operations of Croatia’s water utility sector by improving capacity of the Public Water Service Providers (PWSP) to reduce...
Africa’s urban population is growing rapidly. Between 2000 and 2015, the urban population increased by more than 80 percent from 206 million to 373 million people. Although access to piped water increased...
Urban water supply services have traditionally been provided by state-owned, water utilities. In the past decades, many governments have tried to turn state-owned water utilities into effective and viable...
On March 18, 2006, subsidies for utility customers are popular among policy makers and the general public, yet despite persistent belief that subsidies favor the poor, a new World Bank study, Who Benefits...