Konačan popis pokazatelja iz sustava praćenja Deinstitucionalizacije i njihov status u polaznoj točki.
Proučavanje izazova, briga i očekivanja koja prate deinstitucionalizaciju domovima za djecu bez odgovarajuće roditeljske skrbi, djecu s problemima u ponašanju, djecu s teškoće u razvoju, te osobe s mentalnim...
This paper presents a review of global evidence and World Bank operational experience and distills lessons to support the empowerment of youth. The review of global literature reveals three fundamental...
This paper presents a review of global evidence and World Bank operational experience and distills lessons to support the empowerment of youth. The review of global literature reveals three fundamental...
Ratings of Youth Economic Inclusion Project for Tunisia were as follows: outcome was highly satisfactory, Bank performance was unsatisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was modest. Some of...
This paper presents a review of global evidence and World Bank operational experience and distills lessons to support the empowerment of youth. The review of global literature reveals three fundamental...
Ratings for the Higher Education Development Support Project for Cote d'Ivoire were as follows: outcomes were moderately unsatisfactory, the Bank performance was satisfactory, Bank performance was moderately...
Youth who are neither in school, nor employed, nor in training (NEET), remain a sizeable and vulnerable group in Latin America and Caribbean (LAC), especially among female youth. There is a long-term effect...
The development objective of the Priority Skills for Growth and Youth Empowerment (PSGYE) Program for Rwanda is to improve employability for target beneficiaries and strengthen institutional capacity for...
The Uganda High-Frequency Phone Survey (UHFPS), regularly collected by the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) in collaboration with the World Bank since 2020, included questions to measure youth's (age...
The development objective of the National Community Initiatives Project for Kyrgyz Republic is to improve access to climate-resilient socio-economic infrastructure and increase economic opportunities for...
Ratings of Youth Employment and Productive Inclusion Project (PEJIP) for Niger were as follows: outcome was highly satisfactory, Bank performance was highly satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation...